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"Y/N," Taehyung called out once the last student left the dispirited classroom. Today's lesson was quite boring and a few girls were suspended for inappropriate behaviour towards Taehyung, as usual.

You stopped in your tracks upon hearing his deep voice," Yun Hee will be busy decorating our apartment."


Your cold response caused your teacher to let out of chuckle as he nibbled on his pen.

"So , I'll have to come to your place for tutoring."

The strong urge to permanently cease this game you were both playing, this competition of showing off who's living a better life made you want to quit school and live under a rock, just for the sake of not seeing him anymore.

But there you were, hiccuping after chugging that fourth shot of alcohol.

"Do you still hate me Y/N?" Taehyung questioned, face beet red and stuttering after each syllable.

You reached for your pencil and pointed at him," you bastard!"

You aimed for his forehead and he groaned when the sharpened lead poked him.

"I guess you still do," he rubbed the spot on his forehead.

The study session had began only an hour ago but Taehyung's incessant mocking and teasing regarding your relationship with Jimin only made smoke come out of your ears.

You refused to show him that his words were getting to you, so how do adults solve this type of argument?

The alcohol on your counter seemed to know how to solve your dilemma. While you were pouring the alcohol, Taehyung patted the seat besides him.

"Oh, you're finally acting like you're eighteen..."

All he could get was the glare from your glossy eyes.

"I heard from Jimin that you're a light weight. He must not be having much fun drinking with you. I bet you accidentally puked on him once," he tilted his head trying to get a reaction from you.

"The only thing I will be puking on is Yun Hee's wedding dress..."

You inhaled and looked at him while he cocked his eyebrow.

"Because she has bad taste," you paused to fill your glass.

"And people," you smirked at him.

He smiled," But she likes you though."

Yout upper lip pulled up in disgust," Why would she like me?"

He leaned his arm on the table and he played with the smooth strands falling on his eyes.

"I see that Jimin talks about me a lot," you looked down, a hint of pink on your cheeks.

"Yeah, the conversation is usually boring though. He must not be having much fun with you huh?"

"We do a lot of fun things together,okay? He likes spending time together doing fun things. "

Or does he?

The familiar beep of the door opening is heard,"Y/N?"

Jimin called out softly, and you ended your staring contest with Taehyung.

"Jimiinnn," you whined like a child when he appears in the room.

"Tsk, jimin baby is here," Taehyung imitated your high pitched voice.

You rolled your eyes and reached out your arms for Jimin to lift you from the floor.

He booped your nose as his arm snaked around your waist.

"Taehyung is drinking with my wife now?"He giggled, yet Taehyung didn't miss the hint of anger in his tone.

"Speaking of wife, did you know that he is engaged?"

"Oh, congratulations bro!" Jimin shook Taehyung's bigger hands.

"Jimin, am I funny?"

His eyes turned into crescents as he gave you a peck,"Yes,you are!"

Taehyung made his presence known with the lightest clink of his glass.

"Tae, it's late. I'll see you at the door."

You groaned when Jimin closed the front door, their voices faded as your eyelids became heavier.

"Look bro, you're getting married soon. Get your act together, I'm pretty sure Yun Hee would not want to know that you are getting drunk with my girl."

He squeezed the younger male shoulder and gave two taps in that area, making sure  he got the message.

Heartthrob Teacher 2|K.TH✓Where stories live. Discover now