Chapter 1

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Logan had noticed the tense energy of the other Light Sides. He may not have been open for emotions, but he could tell when the others were upset. It was quite obvious what had them so tense, even if they tried to hide it:
The Dark Sides.
Both of them had revealed themselves to Thomas, which made everyone nervous. The Dark Sides would pop up a lot more now that Thomas knew about them, and it was making all the Light Sides incredibly on edge.
Well, almost all the Light Sides.

Logan/Logic wasn't too bothered. After all, in the end they were all Sides. No one could get rid of another, they were all important. Logan kind of just, felt with it. He didn't avoid the Dark Sides like the others, nor did he talk bad about them behind their backs. He was a respectful side.


Logan sat in his room, going over some paperwork. Thomas had a big interview coming up. He had been asked by a TV station to come in and talk about his YouTube experience! While Roman was busy fantasizing about the fame, Virgil worrying about messing up on live TV, and Patton thinking about the best way to thank the TV station, Logan was the only one actually preparing!
He was poking up comman interview questions and coming up with suitable answers to calm Virgil. Thinking about what to wear respectfully to keep Roman's style in check. He left Patton's work to Patton. Patton was a bit more responsible than the others.

Logan sighed and looked at his clock. It was Midnight. He had skipped Dinner, and he was starving. He tiredly got up from his desk and quietly walked to the kitchen.


Logan slowly walked to the kitchen, where he saw a small light on.

Thats odd, he thought. Who would be up at this hour? Besides me?

Logan turned the corner into the kitchen, and saw a Side in green eating his crofters.

"Hey Logan!" Remus giggled, jam on his cheek.
"Remus!" Logan glared. "Thats my Crofters!"
"Oh was it? I didn't know!" Remus shrugged.
"Its labeled 'Logan's Crofters' right there." Logan rolled his eyes.
Remus looked at the big label. "So it is, who knew."
"You knew! You stole my jam! Now give it here-"

Logan reached fore the jam, but Remus swiped it away.
"Remus, give me my Crofters." Logan demanded.
"Your gonna have to catch me first!" Remus giggled as he sped around the kitchen.

Logan chased him around in circles, until Remus tripped on a grove in the floor tile. He fell onto his back.
"Remus, are you ok-" Logan stupidly tripped over the same grove and landed on top of Remus.
"Oh I'm ok now~" Remus smirked.
"Just give me my jam." Logan snatched the jam. He looked inside and it was all eaten. "What the- Remus!" Logan glared at the Dark Side.

Suddenly, Deceit/Janus rose up.

"Remus are you stealing Logan's Crofters again?" Deceit asked.
"Again?!" Logan gasped. He glared at Remus. "This has happened before?!"
"What can I say?" Remus shrugged. "Logan tastes good! Oh, I mean, Logan-Berry."
Logan blushed a little bit, but kept his stoic face.
"Totally not Sorry about him Logan," Deceit said. He turned to Remus. "No Deodorant for a week!"
"WHAT?!" Remus pouted.

Logan almost felt bad, but then remembered his Crofters was stolen and smirked with satisfaction.
"Come on Logan," Deceit said as he pulled Remus with him.
"What?" Logan asked.
"You want your Crofters correct? We have some at our place." Deceit said.

Logan didn't know why he was following Deceit and Remus. They were Dark Sides! The others would be so angry if they found out he went to their house in the kindscape.
Then again, this is crofters they were talking about.

Logan followed the two as they sank into the Dark Sides common room.


Logan sat down on an old couch. The Dark Sides home was a virus very Dark, but also had very run down furniture. The couch was very comfy, however he sort of sank into it when he sat down.
Meanwhile Deceit dug through their pantry.
"What flavor of Crofters was it?" Deceit asked.
"LoganBerry, the best Flavor!" Remus smirked.
"I agree," Deceit looked over and winked at Logan, and Logan blushed again.

What was this feeling? His heart was racing, his mind couldn't think, was he getting sick?

"Well here you are," Deceit handed him the Jar. "Remus, say you're sorry for stealing Logan's jam."
"Aw why? I'm not sorry!" Remus grinned. "Stealing the Jar meant more time with Logan! Isn't that worth it?"

Logan blushed heavily this time, and he looked slightly flustered. Remus liked spending time with him?

"While I am too glad we got to spend time with Logan," Deceit chuckled. "You still stole. Now say you're not sorry."

Wait, Deceit wanted to spend time with Logan too?! Logan felt incredibly flustered now.

"Fine Fine, sorry teach!" Remus groaned.
"You are forgiven," Logan kept his composure.

The three sat in silence for a few moments.
"So..." Deceit blushed a little. "Do you think you'll be heading back soon...?"
"Oh I'm sorry, am I intruding?" Logan asked.
"No! No! I just meant, the Light Sides are probably worried. They'd hate to see you with one of us."
"We're all Sides here, no need for Dark or Light labels." Logan said. "And I suppose I should be getting back." Logan stood.
"Well come back anytime Logie!" Remus winked. "We have all the Crofter's you'd ever need!"
"Don't tempt me," Logan chuckled as he sunk out.

(Long first chapter!)

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