Chapter 11

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Logan arrived back in his room. His cold, dark, lonely room.
He fell to his knees, sobs making their way out of his throat.
"N-No," Logan said to himself. "I...I can't cry. I'm no supposed to feel!" Logan took a deep breathe, and kept the professional act up, even though he was alone.
He wanted to go to his bed, sob and grieve. But he had work to do.
Thom,as was his host, and he made the rules. If he wanted Logan to forget all about the Dark sides, so be it...

Logan sat at his desk, and worked for hours. He skipped dinner and he didn;t sleep. If he slept, he would dream. And if he dreamt, all he would see is his lovers-
The Dark sides. All he would see would be the dark sides. He couldn't allow himself to break.

"Logan? Logan please open up," Patton knocked on his door.
Logan answered it. "May I help you Patton?"
"Logan are you...ok?" Patton asked.
"I am fine," Logan said.
"I-Its just that...they kissed you, and you seemed so sad, and I was worried-"
"Patton I will be fine. This is what Thomas wants. And what you wanted."
"I-I know but-"
"Now excuse me, I have work to do."


Logan acted like this for a week. Pretending he was ok, and that he accepted Thomas's choice. Deep down he wanted to cry into his lovers' arms.

Logan was sitting in his room, working. He had 20 cups of coffee, he hadn't tried slept in so long. Work meant distractions after all.
Logan's eyes began to droop, but he slapped himself awake.

Suddenly, he felt a warm presence. He looked behind him, and saw the Dark Sides.
"I'm seeing things, great." Logan sighed.
"What?" Remus was confused. "No you're not-"
"Remus please," Deceit stopped him. "It seems Logan has slept well these past days."
"Oh god sweetie!" Remus grabbed Logan's face, which was just monotone. "You need to sleep!"

Logan didn't seem to believe Deceit and Remus were really there. He just kinda accepted the hallucination, and went with it.

"Logan? You there babe?" Remus tapped his face.
"He thinks we're not real," Deceit said. "Logan, darling its us. We're here."
"No...," Logan slurred his words.

Logan tried to stand from his desk, but started to stumble.
Remus and Deceit caught him.
"Darling, you can touch us, hear us. We're not fake."
"We're real." Remus said.

Logan's eyes widened. He wanted to belive they were here, he really did. But no, they couldn't be...!

"F-Falsehood..." Everything faded to black as Logan passed out in the Dark Sides' arms.

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