Chapter 10

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This game went of for around 3 days. Every once in a while Logan would get killed in front of the light sides, and they would freak out. But other than that the game was going well.
They were all tied, all at 9 points. One more kill and it would be over.


Logan was with the Light Sides and Thomas, trying to help him figure out the best way to schedule an event with his friends and also finish his paperwork.
"Well I think we should figure out what to do with our friends first!" Roman said.
"If we make plans with friends before we finish work, we possibly won't be able to make it because we didn't finish our work.
"And we'll disappoint our friends if that happens!" Virgil cried.
"But having something to look forward to will help our work ethic!" Patton said.
"Actually Patton-"

Thomas's eyes widened. "LOGAN LOOK OUT!!"

Logan spun around and blocked Remus's morning star. Her struggle to hold it away. It seemed Remus might win-
Logan smirked, as he pulled Remus closer, spun his around, and yanked the morning star from his hands. Logan swung the weapon and cut off Remus's head.
He looked down, shocked at himself.

"Logan, are you ok?" Virgil asked.
"I won..." Logan breathed.
"What?" Thomas asked.
"I won! Ha ha! I WON!!" Logan cheered.

Remus came back to life and stood up. Deceit also appeared.
"Horrible job Logan," Deceit said.
"That was quick thinking!" Remus patted Logan's back.
Logan puffed out his chest in pride.

"What is going on." Patton said. His voice was not nice and cherry. It was stern, and angry.
"No Logan, this has been going on for three days!" Virgil said.
"I've been getting grey hairs from stress!" Roman cried.
"Logan. What is this. And I won't take 'Inside Joke' for an answer!" Patton crossed his arms.
"Yeah...we're worried." Thomas said.

"We were simply...playing a game?" Logan said.
"What kind of game is this?!" Roman yelled.
"We had to kill one another. First to 10 points wins." Deceit said.
"It was fun!" Remus said. "You should play sometime!"
"NO!" Patton said. "We will not be playing this! And neither will Logan!"
"Excuse me?" Logan looked.
"Logan kiddo, its not healthy to play this game! Especially with...these sides!"

"Wow, we're just these sides to you?" Remus faked offense.
"I'm totally hurt!" Deceit hissed.

They tried to play it off as if they didn;t care. But Logan knew they did.

"See here Patton," Logan said. "They are sides just like us-"
"They're not like us!" Roman said.
"Yeah, they're evil!" Virgil said.

Deceit hissed at Virgil, and Virgil hissed back.

"Everyone calm down!" Thomas demanded. "Please Logan, we care about you. The Dark Sides are not evil. But they aren't the best either-"
"Fine Thomas." Logan glared very angerly. "You are our host. So I'll do what you want...and stay away and them."
"...Thank you..." Thomas looked down guilty,

Logan turned to the Dark sides. He was professional, which normally meant he was breaking deep down.
"Its been a pleasure," Logan held out his hand. "Good game."
Deceit and Remus looked at him concerned. "Good game..." they said as they look his hand.

Suddenly the two dark sides threw Logan into a dip, and smashed their lips on his. Logan was surprised at first, but melted into it. This was their last kiss after all...
They never wanted to let go, because they knew once they did they would never touch again.

They finally released eachother.
"Farewell Logan," Deceit said.
"We'll miss you." Remus said.
"As will I," Logan said, "Goodbye."
Their hands drifted apart, and the dark sides sunk out.

Logan stood there, his back to the light sides. He hugged himself slightly.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Virgil yelled.
"WHY DID YOU LET THEM DO THAT!!" Roman gasped.
"ARE YOU OK?!" Patton screamed.
"...Logan?" Thomas called out.

"It was nothing." Logan said.
"I'll never see them again anyway, as you requested." Logan said, too professional. "I will take my leave now." Logan sunk out.

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