Chapter 9

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Logan was beginning to really hate Roman. Roman had no open mind, and hated his lovers!
Sure, Roman didn't know they were Logan's lovers. But that shouldn't be an excuse! He should still respect them as fellow sides.
Logan groaned angeryly which turned into sun angry cry. "I wanna KILL him!!"

Remus suddenly appeared.
"While I don't advise that," Remus laughed. "You could kill me if you wanted!"
"Wh-What?" Logan asked, confused.
"As Sides we can't die, so if you wanna get your anger out, go ahead and kill me!"
"I wouldn't do that to you," Logan sighed. "That would be taking my anger out on you. I couldn't-"

"Speaking of killing, I don't have  an idea." Deceit appeared.
"Yes?" Logan asked.
"Remus here hasn't gotten any killing action lately, and you seem like you need to blow off steam," Deceit chuckled. "I prepose a killing game!"
"A killing game?"
"Each time we kill one another, we get a point. First to ten points wins."
"Yes!" Remus cheered. "That sounds like so much fun!"
"What exactly are the rules?"
"No attacking in the bathroom. And to add to the challenge, we can attack in front of the light sides."

Logan was a bit nervous about that next part, but was too peeved at the moment to object.
"Deal." Logan smirked. "When do we start?"


Logan walked downstairs the next day for breakfast. He was on guard, knowing his boyfriends could strike at any time.
He made his way downstairs, and saw Patton asleep at the counter.

"Patton, are you alright?" Logan asked, awaking him softly.
"Hm? Oh, good morning Logan!" Patton yawned. "I'm sorry, I didn't sleep well..."
"Oh dear, Patton I'm sorry." Logan said. "You go rest, I will prepare breakfast."
"Thank you Logan," patton smiled sweetly.

Logan began to makes eggs, when he felt a presence behind him. He stopped Deceit's hand as he spun around.
"Well hello love," Logan smirked.
"Hello darling," Deceit said. "You wouldn't mind if I bit you, would you?" Deceit went for Logan neck with his fangs.
Logan held Deceit back, looking for a way to turn this around. He found the knife drawer, but it was on the other side of the kitchen. Logan pushed against Deceit, which made the two grunt. They made it to the other side, and smashed against the wall. Logan opened the drawer and grabbed the knife.

"Everything ok in there Logan?" Patton called.
"Everything is good!" Logan called back, as he slit Deceit's neck.

As Deceit's eyes fluttered close, Logan whispered "One point for me,"


Logan was sitting down with the other Light Sides for a snack. They were all eating jello patton had made.
But Logan's Somewhat fruity...
"Paton, what flavor is this?" Logan asked.
"It's chocolate, duh." Vigil said.
"Darn it,"
"What? Do you not like it?" Patton asked.
"Oh its not that," Logan's voice started to slur. "It just means they got a point-" Logan's head faceplanted into the table as he succumbed to the poison.

"Logan!" Patton gasped.
"Logan wake up!" Roman cried.

"HAHA!! YES!!" Remus appeared. He did a little dance. "I got a point! I got a point!" He sang.
"Remus! What did you do?!" Virgil said.

Suddenly Logan sat back up, back to life. He straightened his glasses.
"I'll admit, didn't think of that method." Logan said.
"I know you didn't logie, aren't I smart?" Remus giggled.
"Well, you got me. 1 point too you." Logan wrote that down in his notebook.
"Watch your back Logan, I've got lots of tricks up my sleeve!" Remus sunk out.

"Logan, what was that?! Are you ok?!" Roman asked.
"Do not worry yourself, its a long story." Logan said. "Thank you for the snack Patton, it was pleasing."
"O-Of course," Patton said.

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