Chapter 3//Vip lounges and cheaters

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Here's another update! I try my best to update every week, but I barely get reads and I kinda wanna delete this book...but I'll keep trying!!😋😭 Enjoy!!=D


Brianna's P.O.V

We had a couple more drinks, and went to the lounge. I don't know how Tai did it, but she convinced the guard to let us in. As we enter there's a stage, a mini bar, a flat screen tv, and nice couches. Must've been expensive. As I look around I see a crowd of girls on the couch tryna act chill, but on the inside they was freaking out cause of the celebs here.

"That's strange", I say to myself. But Kayla and Tai heard.

"What's strange??", They asked together almost as if they planned it. "Remember that girl from the park I saw? The one I thought Tyrone was with?", I asked them still looking at her. "Yea the one with blue hair?", Kayla asked. "yea her", I said pointing towards that girl. They looked at her and suddenly Tyrone came out of nowhere and kissed her. TYRONE??!!! What the hell is he doing here?? My fear is coming true..Tyrone really was the one there...

"Oh hell nah I'm bout to whoop some ass", Tai said angry. I tried to hold her back but she wiggled out of my grip somehow and went up to them.

"What the hell you doin Tyrone?", Tai asked about to smack him.
"Do I know you?" he asked obviously trying to play dumb. What a dumb ass. "You know exactly who I am don't try to play dumb", she said as if reading my mind. "I really don't", Tyrone said trying to keep the game going.

"Bullshit", Tai called him out. I couldn't even move. It's like my feet were glued to this expensive carpet. I felt like my body was trapped in ice at the sight of Tyrone and that other girl. I couldn't even run.

"And who the fuck is she", Tai asked trying to get to the point. "I'm Tori Tyrone's boyfriend. Got a problem?" Tori asked trying to start a fight. "Yea bitch I got a problem cause Tyrone over here cheating on his real girlfriend Brianna", Tai said. Tyrone then looked at me with a sympathetic look. As if he actual cares about me. At this point I didn't even pay attention to what they were saying but when I heard my name, I looked up and saw people staring. "Well too bad cause he mines now", she said.

"Ok first of all bitch go back to first grade it's mine, and second of all you better get up out my face before I beat your ass", Tai said threatening her.

"Oohh I'm so scared", Tori said laughing. That's when the first punch was thrown and Tai kept going and didn't stop. I finally found the ability to run out of the VIP lounge and back to the car. But on the way there I bumped into someone.

~Back at the lounge~

Tai didn't stop throwing punches at Tori cause of how mad she was. But the security had to take Tai out and Tyrone just disappeared. Kayla and Tai went out of the VIP lounge and tried to look for Bri. But she was nowhere to be found.

"I should've beaten Tyrone's ass too", Tai said feeling adrenaline from all this punches. "Girl chill out you already beat that poor little girls ass so just chill", Kayla said laughing a bit. "Yea you right. Bit let's find Bri first", Tai said concerned. This club is really big.

-Brianna's pov-
After I ran from the VIP lounge I bumped into someone not even bothering to look up cause I've been crying this whole time. I look like a wreck.

"Sorry", I said trying to rush past. But I couldn't cause the person grabbed my arm gently.

"That's all good", the voice said. I feel like I've seen or heard this person before. But I had no strength in my head to look up. Suddenly a hand lifted my head up and I was looking at them. The hand was really soft and warm. Kind of comfortable.

I looked up and saw Quavo from migos. I can't believe it!! Yea I know I said I don't care for them but come on a celebrity is touching me. This has never happened to me. Never.

"Hey lil mama why you so upset", he asked. Oh wow he's talking to me. And he's still holding me. I'm dead.

"Uhhh", I stuttered out trying to find words. But I couldn't. I look like a fool now. "Back at the VIP lounge my boyfriend- well ex boyfriend was caught cheating and my best friend Tai beat that girl up and everyone saw-", I said rambling on but stopped myself because I was talking way too much.

"Oh yea that. Sorry", he said. "Yea me I think I should-", I said but got cut off when I heard Tyrone yell name. "oh shit", I cursed and tried not to be seen. I guess Quavo noticed cause he hid me behind him. But it was no use cause Tyrone came running up to us.

"Bri you can't hide from me forever I know you there", Tyrone said. "Don't fucking call me that", I said with venom in my voice. Quavo had a surprised look on his face as he stood next to me. I'm surprised he's still here.

"Look what you saw back's not what you think I can explain", Tyrone said trying to lie.

"It isn't what I think.. IT ISNT WHAT I THINK?! Well please tell me what I think cause I thought I saw you with that bitch kissing up on her even though she was being a Thot. And I saw y'all at the park too!! SO PLEASE TYRONE TELL ME WHAT I THINK!!"' I said on the verge of tears.

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "You know what Tyrone I'm not gonna waste my breath or tears on you so goodnight and have a wonderful life you bastard.", I said walking away.

"I'm sorry again", Quavo said. Damn he still here. "Nah it's alright there are plenty of fish in the sea. LOYAL fish", I said. He chuckled quietly. As we got to the parking lot we stopped.

"You got a ride?", he asked me.
"Yea but they probably looking for me", I said knowing Kayla and Tai would be.

"Oh well I gotta go but here's my number hit me up whenever", he said giving me his phone number.
Hookah by young thug and tyga was playing in the club. And before he left he kissed my cheek.

"Bye", I managed to say. As soon as he went back inside, Kayla and Tai came out and rushed to me. "You good??", Kayla asked as she looked at me. I bit my lip and smiled. "I am now", I said happily.
"Awe Bri has a crush", Tai sang out like a child.

"Shut up", I said as we got in the rang rover. I checked the time and it was almost 3 in the morning. Damn it was a rough night, but got better at the end.

That's chapter 3!!! I decided to change it to a love story cause I have great ideas=D but stay tuned for the next chapter!! And please show some love and comment and vote and all that. Don't be a ghost :/ see y'all next chapter! :)

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