Day 4. The Same Direction

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In which 2 sick 17 year olds talk about their ending.

In which 2 sick 17 year olds talk about their ending

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Nini Salazar Roberts
"We're getting there Bowen." I smile as he kisses my knuckle. I fix the blanket on the hospital bed and move my monopoly piece. "Though let's just say that we've been playing this for quite some time."

"I'm aware." He chuckles. "We should get something to eat, shouldn't we?"

"I'm not really..hungry right now, but are you? I can get you something."

He raises a brow. "Why aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten all day."

I bite my lip. "Yeah..I know. It's just..not it. Not right now." I put a hand on his thigh. "What about you? Let me get you something to eat."

He looks at me with pity but squeezes my hand. " know that..we aren't going to be here much longer right?"

"Yeah no I know." I nod, fidgeting with my hands. "I know Rick..and that's why I don't want to spend what I have left, eating food."

"Well if you want to do other stuff, you'll need to eat darling." He lays back on the bed and crosses his arms. "Just come eat with me."

"Ricky I-.." I rub my temple. "How are you okay with the fact that we have...just a couple of months left with each other? With our family?"

He drops his brows and ponders, gazing around the room. His face shows little to no expression but he smacks his lips as he comes to an ultimatum. He sits back up and sets the monopoly game aside onto the desk before grabbing my hand to lay with him.

"Nini..we're sick. We've been ever since we were little so of course I prepared myself for the worst...and the worst is coming soon." I press my head against his chest as I listen. "I don't want to go baby but it's not-...we are just...unlucky."

"You're talking like we're going to come back here and live happily ever after." My tiresome voice echoing throughout the hospital room.

" you believe in heaven?"

I swallow. "Would it be bad if I said no?"

He runs a hand through my hair. ", but that hurts me. I always thought we'd be chilling up there together."

"I wish I could change my thoughts so that wouldn't happen so I...I'm not sure what to tell you." I admit shyly.

He chuckles lightly. "Don't worry about it but..I personally think that we'll get our happily ever after. Somehow, somewhere, but not here in this shitty hospital."

I sigh and push the tube connected to my arm a bit to the side and hug Ricky's torso. I shut my eyes and just take in what I can. His scent, the hospitals scent, the feeling of the hospital's fabric, the feeling of his chest going up and down. How much longer do I have with him?

Who's leaving first?

"Nini, I love you." He says. "And truly, the only thing you need to know is that we are going to go the same direction after all of this."

"What do you mean by that?"

I look up at him to see him grin. He moves a strand of my hair out of my face before planting a short but sweet kiss on my lips. "We'll be together. It's as simple as that."

"As simple as that." I repeat.

"Yes. Now, together I want to eat in the shitty cafeteria." He smirks.

I rest my head on my hand as I drink my smoothie. I watch Ricky smile at his brownie before eating it and find myself snorting at his happiness to food.

"And I also want to do the most classic thing. Skydiving but then again, I want to be in a movie. Like vocally or physically."

"Vocally? What do you mean by that?" I question.

"I want to be in like..a movie sound track. Do you think the 'make a wish' foundation can do that?" He laughs.

He continues to eat as he looks around the cafe. My eyes seem to drift too, examining every person in this room and why they're here.

I see a woman alone in casual clothes, head buried into her hands with a water bottle on her table. Someone must've passed.

My eyes shift to a small family, talking to each other in a soft and pitiful voice. I couldn't necessarily understand let alone tell what they were going on about, but it was nothing good.

I sigh and look at Ricky smiling at me. "What?"

"You're adorable." He states, hands under his chin. "Hey, do you want to do something?"

"Uhm..aren't we doing something now?" I take another sip of my drink in confusion.

"Marriage." He slaps his hands on the table. "Let do it." And like that, my drink spills out of my mouth. Ricky's eyes widen and he wipes my mouth with a napkin. "Okay...maybe not."

"Uh I-..that's not what I expected." I awkwardly laugh. "Are you joking?"

He shakes his head. "No? Why would I joke about that?"

"Mm. Okay then." I clean up the rest of my mess. "I jus-..that came outta no where."

"It came up and I mean..why not?"

I gaze at him for just a little bit. "I get that we have little time left but..." I take a little to think about it. I mean marriage is a random thing to just say out of no where...but isn't a bad idea. " That's not all that.."

"Yeah maybe it is dumb. Sorry, just f-"

"No, no. I wasn't going to say that." He raises a brow. "Why not, right?"

"You agree?"

I smile. "Let's get married then."

Okay so this one is kind of sad so I guess I lied yesterday😭

I'm trying to make it happen but my story ideas are all sad LMAOAOA

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