Chapter five

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Harry's Pov:

It's been about three weeks since my baby girl started doing school with my mum over here. She always gets A's, she's really smart and I like that. Something I wasn't in school. I was always made fun of and picked on creating even more of my possessiveness towards my mum and Gemma and now my baby girl.

Ella hasn't understood her place yet like Gemma and mum have. But I understand she's still not comfortable around me yet.

Today's Saturday and mum said that we're going shopping with Ella and her mother Barbra. I'm excited because mum gave me a little extra money to find clothes for my baby doll.

It's 9:30 right now and we're not leaving for as least another fifteen minutes, I'm struggling with the fact if not having a 2 inch distance.

Just as I'm about to count the books again, the door bell rings. I jump out of bed down the hall towards the door seeing Ella and her mother just as I remember.

"Come in, come in! Let me just grab my hand bag and we will be on are way." Mum turns around walking down the hall to find her bag leaving me standing awkwardly.

"Harry it's nice to see you. How are you?" I turn around seeing Barbra smiling gracefully next to me.

"Umm" I ponder for a moment. "It's alright." I shrug even though it's going great having Ella here.

My mum comes out moments later scooting us towards the car. Ella and I take the back while Barbra and my mum sit in the front.

We've been in the car for about 20 minutes, Barbra and my mum keep talking about just everything. Mum keeps giving me looks telling me to 'Pull a move' on Ella. I reach over and lay my hand on her thigh. Bare thigh. Soft thigh. Innocent thigh. My thigh.

She jumps making a small squeak, not enough to interrupt my mums conversation with Barbra.

"Whh-at ar-r you doin-g?" she stutters out. My hand is just sitting there on her smooth skin. I wonder what it would fe-. I get caught of my thoughts seeing Ella trying to pry my hand off.

I smirk knowing she's uncomfortable with all of this. I leave my hand there the rest of the time with her still trying to pry my fingers off but not getting past my index finger. Awe my baby girl is so weak.

Once we get out of the car I walk over to my mums side opening her door for her. We stand behind Barbra and Ella while walking to the mall. Mum knows that Ella's ass is one of my favorite places to look besides her chest. Geee!

We have been in the mall for about two hours now and I've been bored out of my mind. Ella has only bought one thing. Her mother has bought let alone 60 pieces of clothing, doing the same with my mum.

I love shopping when it's for me or someone I care about, by myself. I only wanted to go on this trip for Ella. Thanks mum!

Ella is a very innocent shopper only picking up shirts that cover her whole chest. Besides she only wears skirts or long dresses, not that I mind. I should be the only one seeing her skin, anyway.

I turn tapping Ella's shoulder trying not to scare her. She turns around looking up at me with those big blue eyes. I stutter out almost "do yo-u want to go get a drink wi-th me?" she turns to ask her mother then giving me a small smile nodding with me. I think she's gotten over the whole 'hand on thigh' incident thank goodness.

As we make our way down there I see many young men around my age looking at her the way I do, I glare daggers at every single guy. I decide to make a gesture to them by putting my hand on the small of Ella's back. Normally I would just wrap my arm fully around her waist leaving no room, but seeing were not together, yet.

After grabbing me a Banana smoothie we make our way back to Barbara, and my Mum. Ella trails behind me pretty much the whole time staring at the ground not even looking at me she's been quiet the whole day, I'm sure she's scared of me. Not that I have done anything wrong while she's been here. Maybe it's the vibe I bring off.

After about another hour of shopping we head home. Barbra and my Mum have been laughing the whole way home while I look over seeing my baby girl staring out the window.

Once we get home Mum says her good byes while I just walk away, pissed. Why is she mad at me? Is she afraid of me!? I'm getting angry and wanting to break stuff.

I grab my phone calling the one person who knows how to figure me out more than anyone.

Sorry that late updating I've been sick this week and I've gotten even more sick this weekend so I'm staying home tomorrow so hopefully I can update once or maybe even twice and sorry ! xx

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