Burn Together

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Bilbo had been inside for a long time and we knew that the dragon was awake. I was scared for him.

"Thorin we have to go inside and help him." I said.

"Give him more time." Thorin replied.

“Trying to do what? To be killed?”Balin asked and I agreed.

“You’re afraid.” Thorin said.

"That is my brother Thorin." I exclaimed.

“Yes, I’m afraid. I fear for YOU. A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard, a sickness that drove your grandfather mad.”Balin said.

“I am not my grandfather." He argued.

“You’re not yourself. The Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there-”I said but he cut me off. 

“I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar."My eyes widened at his behavior and I looked to Balin.

“Bilbo. His name is Bilbo.”Balin said and Thorin looked at me. He reached out to me and I pulled away. 

"I can't talk right now. I'm going in." I said and his eyes widened. Thorin grabbed me by the wrist.

"It's too dangerous Elanor." 

"He's my brother Thorin, I have to go after him." 

"And I'm coming with you." He said and I smiled and we ran into the mountain. We saw Bilbo running towards the door.

“You’re alive!”Thorin and I exclaimed. 

“Not for much longer!”Bilbo rasped out.

“Did you find the Arkenstone?”He asked.

“Thorin! The dragon’s coming!”I exclaimed but he put his sword across the entryway and blocked it.

“The Arkenstone!” He shouted. “Did you find it?”

“No. We have to get out.”Bilbo said but Thorin blocked his way.“Thorin." 

"Thorin!”I exclaimed and then we saw him. Smaug.

"You will burn!”He shouted but before he could burn us we ran the rest of the dwarves finding us. We ran towards a room wuickly escaping Smaug for a short time. We went to a guardroom and saw corpses of dwarves long ago their skin had rotted away leaving only skeletons.

“That’s it, then. There’s no way out.”Dwalin said sadly.

“The last of our kin. They must have come here, hoping beyond hope. We could try to reach the Mines. We might last a few days.” Balin said.

“No. I will not die like this. Cowering, clawing for breath. We make for the forges.” Thorin said.

"He's right we can do something." I said.

“He’ll see us, sure as death.”Dwalin replied.

“Not if we split up.”Thorin said.

“Thorin, Elanor we’ll never make it.”Balin said dejectedly. But we could do this.

“Some of us might. Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together.” Thorin said and we began to split into groups confusing the dragon. We made it towards the forges. "We have to get these furnaces going." Thorin said.

"We don't have the fire to get this going." Dwalin groaned and I felt Smaug walked towards us. 

"Don't we?" I asked and went closer to Smaug. "Smaug! You bastard! Come out and face us!" I shouted.

"You've grown fat and slow in your time you witless worm!" Thorin said and the dragon's chest began to glow. We all leaned against pillars which were impervious to the fire.  The forges began to light and thenI saw Thorin say something to Bilbo. I didn't know what we were doing. 

"Elanor come with me." He said and I flowed him. We took two wheelbarrows and followed the current of molten gold. It was pouring into a statue. The stream ended and we latched onto a chain. 

"Thorin!" I exclaimed as the dragon neared us. He was conversing with Bilbo about Laketown. 

“You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die.”We heard Smaug shout. 

“Here, you witless worm!”Thorin shouted.

“You.”The dragon growled. 

“We are taking back what you stole."

“You would take nothing from me, Dwarf, girl. I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of men. I am King under the Mountain.” 

“This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have our revenge.” He said and suddenly shouted something in Khuzdul and the chains were pulled from the statue. It was a molten gold statue of a dwarf king. The outside was cooled but the gold inside was molten and it smothered Smaug. we were victorious or so we thought. He erupted from the gold roaring.

“Ahh! Revenge?! Revenge! I will show you REVENGE!” Smaug said and walked towards the gates smashing them open once more. We ran out to see him flying towards Laketown. I saw Bilbo and he had given up. 

"What have we done?" He asked. What have we done?

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