part 1

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"please don't do this mark. we need you" hailey cried as mark packed his things.
"hailey i can't be with you anymore. i love her now and i need to be with her." he screamed back. hailey was sobbing as he threw his wedding ring on the floor.
"when i met you i thought i had found the person i would spend the rest of my life with. turns out you're just a douche who abandons his wife and baby for another women!" hailey said crying trying to get him to stay.
"what does she have that you want so bad." she said trying to figure out what she did wrong.
"she doesn't have a kid." he said walking out, slamming the door. she slid down the wall sobbing thinking how much she messed up and what she did wrong. then at the top of the steps was her little girl standing there holding her blanket.
"momma" little amelia said. hailey quickly wiped her tears and ran up to hold her daughter with beautiful blue eyes and golden blonde hair. she was a mini hailey and thankfully looked nothing like mark. "i'm okay baby don't worry" she said trying to make everything okay for her daughter.
"where dadda go?" amelia said wanting to know why there was all the yelling. even at a young age she was very intelligent
"daddy isn't coming back for a while baby. it's going to be you and me, okay" she tried to put it in the best way possible so she doesn't crush her daughter. "we're going to be just fine. i promise"
*end of flashback*
hailey pov:
as i opened the door to my new apartment i took a deep breath. moving to a new house with no one to help. it's been about a month since mark left and both of them are still trying to get over it. not even a text from him. i was taken out of my thought when amelia dragged me over to the window showing me the beautiful view of chicago. i grew up here my whole life until a few years ago when i moved to arizona for an undercover assignment where i met mark. i'm back now to start over.

i have an interview tomorrow for a new job and i'm beyond nervous for it. i have to leave amelia for the interview with a women i have known for 20 minutes but i trust her. i make dinner for the two of us and put her to bed after a while. i walked over to the window again. chicago at night. it's beautiful really, all the lights and people. in that moment she wanted to call mark and tell him how pretty it was. she reached for her phone and remembered. he's not the one to call anymore. he doesn't even care. i let a quick tear fall down my face and thought to myself, he left you, he's gone. start over. i know i'm better than the women he left me for and i need amelia to know that too. i finally laid in bed, praying my interview went good in the morning. then i feel asleep.

i was woken by amelia crying for me. usually mark would let me sleep and get her but now i get to. when i walk in she immediately stops crying and smiles when i pick her up. i sit in her room holding her, rocking back and forth for a few moments until she gets hungry and i go make breakfast. "okay mille i have to go somewhere today okay so the nice women you met yesterday is going to come stay with you for a while" i said trying to put it in the best way. i didn't want her to feel like she was being left but i did have to go. she looked at me with sad eyes but got over it quick when the women brought over toys. i say my goodbyes and thank the women and head off. when i get to the 21st district i walk up a staircase and see a women sitting at a desk, yelling at some cop. i wait until she's done and finally get to talk to her.
"what do you need were very busy today" she said. "yeah i'm here for an interview with hank voight" i said "ah yes the new detective. glad you're here i'll buzz you up." she said. "thank you.. sargent trudy?" i say. that name. i know it from somewhere. anyway i go upstairs and there is no one here except a man in his office. i walk over and knock the door. he looks up and smiles at me probably already knowing who i am.
"hailey upton. how you doing" hank say shaking her hand. "good i'm doing good." i say. "great so i want you to know that you already have a spot. i called up your sargent down in arizona and he said you were the best they had so i just want to talk about you. if you have any questions or anything just let me know" hank said in a calm way. "wow thank you really" i say shocked. easiest interview ever.

"of course. so these questions are mandatory. do you have a husband or significant other?" hank said. wow take back what i said. not the best ever. "i.. i was uh. i came up here because he just left me and i needed to start over" i said letting everything off my chest. "i'm sorry to hear that. i didn't mean to ask such personal questions. now i do have to ask this incase something goes wrong. any kids?" hank said. "actually yes. i have a daughter who is almost 2 her name is amelia." i said smiling. "aww great well she is welcome anytime. one of our other detectives, kim, she has a son who is 2." hank says.

that made me feel a lot better. i'm not the only one with a daughter. then we heard a loud crash. "sorry sarge" a man screamed. hank laughed. "i guess now is a time to meet the rest of the team. they are very dysfunctional but i keep them in line" hank says. "great thank you again." i say staring up. this is going to be great for me. i can already tell

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