Chapter 12

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"Ready to help me set up my PC?"

"Of course!"

He gets up from the floor and offers his hand to you. You feel guilty, but accept it anyway. Before You start unpacking, you give him a hug. He seemed surprised, but you could feel his smile. He wraps his arms over your shoulders and you wrap yours around his waist.

"Thank you so much, Tommy. You didn't have to do any of this, but it means so much that you did. I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you."

"You know, me neither. I have never felt drawn to someone like I am to you. When we are together, all of my worries leave, even if only for a little while."

You give him a tight squeeze then pull away. You look into his eyes for a moment. Sometimes you forgot how cool his eyes were. They were such a bright blue that you could, almost literally, lose yourself in them. You don't let yourself stare too long, though. You give him a cheesy smile, which he laughs at. You walk towards the box with your streaming equipment, leaving Tommy in the corner by the bed.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

"No sir!"

He jokingly salutes (o7) and hurries over to help you. You rip the box open and lift one of your monitors out of the box. Tommy lifts out your facecam, as well as your keyboard and mouse. As you continue to unpack, Tommy heads over to your desk. You didn't really care how your set up looked, so you trusted Tommy to make it efficient. He was the most famous streamer in the world, after all. You giggle to yourself and Tommy looks over at you.


"Oh it's nothing."

"You can't just not tell me why you were laughing at me!"

"I wasn't laughing at you, just at the situation. You are the biggest streamer in the world, but you still make time for a small streamer."

"Well, of course. It's charity!"


You both start laughing once again. At this rate, you would never get anything done. You didn't really mind, though. You just enjoyed spending time with Tommy- no matter what you were doing. You look over to your desk to see how he has begun to set everything up. It was almost identical to his, but you couldn't have expected anything else. You really liked it, actually. It looked a lot less cluttered than your last set up.

After Plugging some stuff in, connecting your keyboard, and setting up the lighting, you were done. It looked amazing! Tommy had even brought over one of his old monitors, so now you had two! You couldn't stop smiling.

"It looks incredible, Toms!"

Shit, not that stupid nickname again.


"Oh sorry, I'm not sure where that came from."

"You're good! I quite like it actually."

You blush a bit.

"But, now I have to give you a nickname!"

"No, no, no! I think one is enough!"

You wouldn't have normally had this reaction, but you weren't used to being called your usual nickname. You mom called you Y/N/N all the time. Ever since she passed, it is hard to hear other people say it.

"Oh, I know one! What about Y/N/N?"

Of course he picks the same one my mom did.

"Um, yeah sure! Just might take some getting used to!"

Although it was shocking to hear that name come out of his mouth, you didn't mind as much as you had expected. When other people used your nickname, it was like nails on a chalkboard. But the way Tommy said it made you feel safe.

"Are you gonna do a stream tonight?"

"Might do! I should probably let people know I'm alive, just not sure what to do."

"If you want, we could stream together! That's only if you're comfortable, though. I know fans can be a bit much."

You really aren't sure. You always had a lot of fun with Tommy, and you think your viewers would love him. The only issue was if his fans would feel the same. You let yourself think for a minute. It would be really cool to have someone else on the stream, considering it was usually just you. And even if some of his "stans" were a bit crazy, you would just ignore it.

"That actually sounds really fun! What should we do?"

"We could try and speedrun? It wouldn't have to be serious, but I've kinda wanted to try that for a while now!"

"That sounds so fun! I might have to carry you though"

"Oh shut up!"

"Just saying! I'm kind of a speedrun god if you didn't know!"

"We'll see about that!"

You both laugh for a minute.

"Wanna eat, then start?"

"Sure! I'll head back to my place for dinner, if that's cool."

"For sure, just text me when you're done!"

"Um, I don't have your number, Y/N."

"Oh my bad! I totally forgot! Let me add my number"

He hands you his phone. You add a new contact and put your number in. You also put your name as, "Minecraft God". He sees you do this and yanks his phone back. You see him quickly type something, and you barely see it before he confirms it.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"Oh really, "Tommyinnit's Biggest Fan!"

"Oh shut up! You were the one who raised me!"

"Charity, remember?"

You shove him a bit, but can't help but laugh. This steam was gonna be fun.


Sorry for the shorter chapter! I hope you enjoy :) if you have any request/advice, feel free to comment or msg me ! 

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