Chapter 10

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You feel someone's hand on your shoulder as you slowly adjust to the light.

"Yeah? What time is it"

"Lunch just ended, we have about 5 minutes until class starts."

"Shit! Are we going to be late?"

"No, no! The class is just inside the school, don't worry."

"Oh, ok. Did my alarm go off? I didn't think I Would actually fall asleep."

"I didn't hear it, but I woke up about 5 minutes ago. You're good by the way, you needed to rest!"

"Yeah, it was amazing haha"

"I could tell considering you were snoring loud enough to shake the table!"

"Stop! Wait, actually?"

"I was honestly scared there was an earthquake."


"Hey! I just didn't think one person could snore so loud!"

"Oh, now you're gonna get it!"

You jump out of your seat and he runs behind the tree. You run around it, but he does the same and you end up in the same position as before. He tries to dart to the left, but you get him before he can run too far. You practically tackle him, and he obviously wasn't ready for that. You both topple over, one on top of the other. You hit your head on the ground a bit, but it didn't hurt. Tommy notices, though, and quickly turns on his side. By doing this, he pushes you off him. His arm is under you and his face is close to yours.

"Are you okay? Do you need ice?"

"Yes, Tommy! I am fine! I barely tapped my head haha. The real question is are you okay? I went full rugby mode haha."

"Oh, I don't know! I might need stitches after that tackle!"

"You are such a baby!"

"Am not!"

"Whatever you say Mr. Crybaby."

"You are so mean to me, you know that?"

"Oh shut up, you are just as mean to me!"


You both laugh at his comment. It wasn't until now that you realize how close he is to you. His arm under your back, his hair practically brushing against your face. You get nervous, but can't move.

"Oh, uh Tommy?"


"Should we get going?"

"Oh my god! I totally forgot! Let's go."

He hops up quickly and offers you his hand. You accept it and run to the table where your bag was. You each grab your stuff and get ready to walk back in. He opens the door and lets you on first. You wait for him to get ahead of you to show the way to class. English is next, your least favorite. You practically run through the nearly empty hallways to make it to class on time. You finally see the door of the class. As you and Tommy walk in, the rest of the class stares. You would have thought you were already late based on their judgment, but you hear the bell ring just then.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Colsch. Y/N is new and I was trying to show her around at the end of lunch. It won't happen again."

"It better not. You two can take a seat in front of my desk."

You look to the seats, the only ones empty in the room. You knew there was probably a reason based on the teacher's tone so far. Your face gets red, but you quickly make your way to the seat. You get the one closest to the wall and Tommy sits on the outside. The teacher walks to the center of the room.

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