Chapter 18

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Once you two had started to head back, you heard your name being called. Your food was ready! You were pretty hungry, and you also just wanted to forget about what just happened. Or maybe you wanted to keep thinking about it.

He kissed me!

You weren't sure, but either way you were excited for the food. After grabbing each of your meals, you both head back to where you had picked out earlier. You sit down across from Tommy, unable to avoid eye contact. He made you nervous, but the good kind. The kind of nervous that made you want to smile. Once you are fully sat down, Tommy says something.

"I really hope I didn't make you uncomfortable, Y/N."

"If I can promise you anything, I am beyond glad you were there."

"That guy was a prick. You probably want to change the topic, though..."

"Um, yeah haha..."

The table goes silent as you begin to eat. It was amazing! Tommy looks up at you and begins to laugh.


He reaches over the table and wipes a bit of ketchup off your chin. You blush for what seems like the 100th time today. Wanting to change the subject, you bring up what had happened earlier.

"Do you get recognized a lot?"

"More than expected, but not a crazy amount. Usually just once or twice a week."

"That is surprising! With how big you've grown and everything."

"I suppose, I am nowhere near used to it though."

"I wonder if anyone ever gets used to it?"

"Not sure."

You begin to eat again as the conversation quiets. You begin to think about the kiss. You liked it. Not in a weird way, but in a comforting sense. You really like Tommy, and this just confirmed it more. It was more than how you liked your friends, you were pretty sure. He was the only person you have ever met who can make you forget about all the bad. You never wanted that feeling to leave. You suddenly get a thought.

What would he do if I just told him?

The thought of his rejection pained you more than you'd like to admit, but the thought of reciprocation was euphoric.

"You know, Y/N? We don't know all too much about each other."

"I suppose you're right! What would you like to know?"

"Hmmm... What is your favorite color?"

"Purple, for sure! I am assuming yours is red?"

"How did you know?"

You both laugh, it is your turn to ask a question.

"How long have you been streaming?"

"About 2 years now!"

"That's insane!"

"Yeah, it's gone by quickly. What do you like the most about Nottingham?"

Meeting you...

"Um, probably the architecture! I love the style of the buildings here!"

"I should take you up north a bit more! They have the prettiest plaza!"

"I would love to see that! Do you really hate America?"

"Hm, that's a tough one. Well I suppose not, considering I don't hate you."

"Wow, what an honor!"


Tommy gets cut off by the sound of footsteps coming near the table. It was Freddie. You remembered what he had said to you yesterday and get uncomfortable. Tommy notices you looking to the side and follows your eyes. You hear him mutter something under his breath, but you are too distracted to make out what it was.

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