Chapter 17

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You wake up to the warm sun coming in from the blinds. It seemed to be around 11, but you were still really tired. You look over to the table and see your phone sitting there. You begin to move towards it when you realize something was constricting you. You had your head on Tommy's chest and his arms were wrapped around you. You begin to blush profusely, thankful he hadn't woken up. Not sure what to do, you try and fall back asleep. After just a few seconds, you realize it was no use. You turn a bit to get more comfortable, but you wake Tommy up in the process. He notices the position you two were in and he gets red.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"You're fine, Toms! I was the one who fell asleep on you."

You and him both blush a bit when you say that.

"Yeah, I was a bit surprised."

"Yeah, I am sorry. I was just exhausted."

"Don't be sorry. It was kinda nice, actually. I mean, not in a weird way! I just-"

"It was nice, Tommy."

"Oh good. I didn't want you to think I was some sort of creep!"

"Well, I never said I didn't think you were a creep!"


You laugh, and so does he. It wasn't until now that you realized how close you two were. You were still laying on his chest and his hands were placed gently on your sides. As he laughed, you could feel his chest rise and fall. You weren't nervous around him. No matter how close you got to someone, you still wouldn't let yourself open up or be vulnerable around them. Yet, here you were. Laying on someone you had just met's chest, laughing. Not to mention they were a celebrity.

"So, anything you want to do today?"

"Anything but go home to be honest. But if you're busy, I'll probably just explore a bit!"

"No, I have literally no plans. I should probably stream, but that is a while from now. My parents aren't back for a few more days anyway."

"Cool! What time is it anyway?"

You were still on his chest, so he had to awkwardly reach the table with one of his arms. He is successful and tells you it is 11:30.

"Damn, we should probably get up."

"Yeah, probably. You hungry?"

"A little,"

"Wanna get something from the chip shop? It's pretty much lunch anyway."

"That sounds good! I just gotta get ready. Can I shower here?"

"Why wouldn't you be able to?"

"Not sure. I suppose it is just a formality."

"Yeah, there should already be towels in my bathroom, but if not they are in the closet."

"Okay, be back in a bit."

You get up off the couch, carefully wiggling out as to not step on Tommy. You grab your phone from the table and head up the stairs. It was a small gesture, but you notice Tommy had plugged your phone in last night. You make it to the top and grab your bag from Tommy's room. You head into the bathroom and set your stuff down. There were already towels in there like he said, so you turn the shower on. Before you get in, you play music. The song that came up first was "Bad Idea" by Girl in Red. You undress and hop in the, now warm, shower. Although you loved being around Tommy, it was like you couldn't think straight around him. You used this time to gather your thoughts.

DoI like Tommy as... more than a friend?

Where was Josh really?

Is Sheryl okay?

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