Chapter 16

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You wake up suddenly, not sure what has awoken you. You couldn't pinpoint anything that seemed to be making noise. You turn in the bed a few times before deciding you weren't getting back to sleep right now. You turn on your right to see if Tommy is still asleep, feeling bad that you might have disturbed him. He is gone. The comforter on his side was folded over, as if he had left recently. Worried, you sit up and begin looking around. Your first thought was that he had moved to the floor to get more comfortable. You peer over the edge only to see the beige carpet. You wonder if he had just gone up to go to the restroom, and maybe that is what woke you up. You sit there, waiting, for a few minutes. You begin to get worried and get out of the bed. Once you stand up, you see the window in the corner of the room was open. The screen was gone and everything.

Is Tommy on the roof?

You lean out the window a bit to check, and to your surprise, there he is. In a jumper, sweatpants, and a blanket. He seems to have earbuds in, so you assume he is listening to music. You thought for a second that he could be on a call, but you hadn't heard any sounds since you had woken up. Since it was obvious he hadn't noticed you, you debate even acknowledging him.

Maybe he wants his space?

Before you have much more time to think about it, the hand that was resting on the window sill slips and you hit the side of the window. Tommy flinches and looks around, only to see you standing there.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm good! Sorry to bother you, I just woke up and thought you got kidnapped or something."

"Oh, no. Sorry if I woke you! I usually just come out here to clear my head; I couldn't sleep."

"You're good! Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all! Need help getting on?"

You look down and the roof. It was only about two feet beneath the window, but it was steep. You accept the help and he scooches closer to the window, holding his hand out for you to grab. You cautiously accept it, holding on tight as you take your first step out of the window. Your foot touches the slick shingles, but it stays stable. Holding on even tighter to Tommy's hand, you lower your other foot on. You are now successfully standing on the roof. All you had to do now was turn around and sit down. Slowly, you turn yourself away from the house and walk a few steps closer to Tommy. As you begin to sit down, you loosen your grip a bit, but Tommy's Hold remains safe and secure. Once you are in a safe position, he lets go and looks at you. You look back, seeing the smile in his eyes, even if it was too dark to see the actual smile.

"It is really nice out here, Tommy."

"Yeah, I've been going out here since as long as I can remember. It always helps me when I'm stressed."

"What's stressing you out right now?"

"It's nothing really."

"Tommy, you know you can talk to me. No pressure if you aren't ready, but I'll be here when you are."

"I know. It is just a lot of pressure, I guess. Everything was so sudden and now I have to watch my every move. Every move I make is practically analyzed by millions. I am truly thankful, I just don't know if I am ready."

You see his smile fade in his eyes as he talks about this, and it breaks your heart.

"I can't imagine, Tommy."

"And I know anyone would kill to be in my position! I am starting to think I don't deserve it,"

"Tommy, you deserve it more than anyone. You have dedicated so much time into your growth and content. That doesn't mean it is going to be fun all the time, but at the end of the day, the real fans will support you no matter what."

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