Just Out For a Run

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In, out, in out. I breathe, My chest swells with all the air that could have just as easily been filling someone else’s. But I happen to be the one taking their place. I walk, walk, walk, and a new song flips on and I leap into a jog.

I look down at the ground- I am flying!

I look back up- but why is the sky so far away?

I am losing energy. I think of him; I imagine him seeing me run, and it gives me the boost to continue.

           I am flying!

I remember how far from him I am.

          But the sky is so far away.

I have to keep going. I imagine my triplets being here with me. I picture myself racing them, unable to wipe a smile from my face.

          I am flying!

I come back to reality; they’re not with me. They, too, are miles away.

But the sky is so far away.

I imagine myself at home running the marathon track. Past Golan, past the ropes course, into the woods, past the roller hockey rink, up suicide hill, past the dining hall, past Reuben division, down the Joseph hill, past the lake and amphitheater, up the Miriam hill, past the infirmary and road shops, and back to the dome. Oh my god I can almost feel it! I can almost grasp it! I am almost there!

         I am flying!

I really open my eyes and I see that I am surrounded by lifeless trees, empty streets, and suburbs. There is nobody here.

        The sky is so far away. 

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