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 A/N: Hey readers! I really appreciate that you read my story! This is my first time writing a fantasy story so don't judge on the first three chapters, it's not edited so they may be some mistakes here and there so please continue reading as it will get better chapter by chapter. Thank you! This is not the summary but this prologue is about the main character's bloodline. Read, Comment and VOTE ~ SYT


This was how it all began.

My father and I were in a small, cold chamber with grey, boring walls around us, nothing but two chairs in the middle. I was three that time.

"It was a curse given by Acheron, the God of Underworld River of Pain, to a loving couple's first born son hundred years ago. It was an exchange for a child because the couple was childless as the man was infertile. That son was named Acheron by the couples because they thought that it was for the best. Acheron was only the carrier of the curse, so he did not have the curse," my father began the story when we had seated in the chairs.

"The curse began when Cenecia, daughter of the King of Rome bore Acheron a son named Nahuel. Nahuel sucked the life out of Cenecia when she wanted to hold him. Her skin was detached and folded into pieces just like clothes, all wrinkled. Her soul left her body when the skin of Nahuel touched Cenecia. And that was when Acheron found out his son was cursed because of his-"

"But, father, how-" A large hand flew over to my cheek and the force made me fall out of my chair I was sitting on. Tears were forming in my eyes but I pushed them back, knowing I would get hit again if I show weakness. I was hated by my father since the day I was born. I think it was because my mother died because of me.

"Do. Not. Interrupt. Me. Boy." My father gritted his teeth and continued like nothing had happened.  "Nahuel was an illegitimate child because Cenecia's father didn't approve of their relationship. He planned to have Nahuel killed because he was the cause of the death of his dear daughter. Acheron fled with Nahuel who was only three months old into the jungle of Misty Forest and met with a chief in the village. The chief agreed to give them protection and food without asking much, as the chief was a kind man,"

"From that day onwards, they built a life in the village. They led a normal life wherein no one ever asked them where they had come from and who they were. Only Acheron, the carrier of the curse, was immune to his son's curse, so he did not let Nahuel mix with other villagers. But when Nahuel was able to control his curse properly, he married a girl from his village and had a daughter named Julia," my father frowned but did not stop.

"Acheron was so afraid that Julia will be cause the death of her mother. It might cause Acheron and his son to be kicked out of the village. He practically decided to leave the village as soon as Nahuel's wife gave birth to his grandchild, but the moment Julia was born; her mother was still breathing and alive. Acheron was taken aback by that," his eyes were blazing with fire and it made me curious but I kept quiet like a good ol' boy.

"Acheron started to ponder about this, and decided to be a researcher in his village. He tested his son's blood and Julia's blood in a river, and found out that his son's blood mixed with the water while Julia's blood floated atop on the water," I saw his hands balled up and I was afraid he was going to hit me again. But he did not.

"Years went by, his family growing larger as he became grandfather to great-great-great grandfather. He tested his theory once again on his grandchildren and made a conclusion about the curse. The curse was only given to a child who was born after the child who didn't have the curse." He ended the story that became my bedtime story I told myself every night before I go to sleep. It wasn't any other fairy tale story that parent's read to them so that they can fall asleep.

That story is the history of my bloodline...

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