Chapter 16: Return of the Jedi

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" We are back and we will be stronger than ever."

Two Months Later.......

I smiled as watched two younglings battle in the circle. So much has happened over the last two months.

After we won the battle we freed Padme from her cage.

With Palpatine gone the stormtroopers were deactivated and the inhibitor chips were removed from all the clones. I can't even describe how happy I was to have my brothers back.

Senator Organa was appointed the new Supreme chancellor. Palpatine's laws were taken away and the Republic returned. With a few adjustments.

We revealed Palpatine as a Sith lord and our names were cleared. All of Sidious's allies were arrested.

Then came out next great challenge. Rebuilding our order.

The temple was fixed up but getting our numbers back will take a long time. We also no longer have to fight in the war, so we are peacekeepers again, just like we were always meant to be.

Ashoka became a knight and I a master, which made reveling Padme's and I's marriage much easier. And thankfully the council accepted it, even Windu which was a major shock.

"It's kinda creepy how you just stand here and watch them like this." Ashoka chuckled behind me.

"I agree." Padme said.

At the sound of my wife's voice, I turned around with a smile on my face.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close, planting a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Please stop I'm still not used to you guys doing this in public." Ashoka said.

Padme laughed while I glared at Ashoka.

Obi-wan joined us with a smile.

"What are all of you up to?" He asked.

"Nothing wrong." I replied.

He chuckled.

"Just checking. Making sure you weren't doing anything wrong."

"And if I was what would you do about it?"

"Make you train youngling."

"You could try but I have the same rank as you so you can't boss me around anymore." I playfully stuck my tongue out at him. He shook his head.

"How could I forget."

" Yeah, I pray for all our safety every night." Ashoka snorted through laughter.

I held my hand to my heart in mock pain.

Ashoka laughed and lightly pushed my shoulder.

My smile grew larger as I looked out at the important people in my life. Especially when I looked at Padme who told me last night that I am going to be a father.

The Sith had been defeated and the Jedi have returned.

We are back and we will be stronger than ever.

The End


That is it guys my second Clone Wars fanfiction is over. But don't be sad because it will not be my last.

I actually have ideas for two more fanfictions and I can't wait to share them with you guys sometime in the near future. Probably only next year.

Really hope you enjoyed this story,  you know what to do if you did. Thank you to everyone who read this story, voted, and added it to your reading lists you all made my day and gave me the courage to keep writing.

May the force be with you.


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