Chapter 5: The Empire

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"Starting today we will have to form a new government. Today senators of the Republic we will dismantle our current systems one by one and soon our new empire will arise!" ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

*Padme's POV*

After literally hours for crying, I had stopped. Mainly because I am sure I have drained all the tears from my body.

I sat by the door of my balcony looking out at the Jedi temple. Firefighters had rushed to the scene and were pumping water onto the last of the flames. Less and less smoke was shooting up into the air. Soon they will go in and start identifying any bodies they might discover.

I might be happy with the news they will bring of who is in the dead or it might break me to the point where I will never be able to be fixed.

Small hiccups erupted from my throat and I wiped my face with a snow-white handkerchief 3PO had given me a few minutes ago.

Ani please be okay!

Please I can't lose you!

Not like this not when we haven't even begun truly living with each other!

My comlink started beeping, the sound echoing through my quiet apartment, filling my ears.


I jumped up and ran to it with such urgency. I snatched it from my table and activated it. 


My heart raced with the thought that it could be him. But my spirits were quickly dampened when the figure of Senator Organa popped up.

" Senator, how may I help you?" I asked.

Hopefully, he can't hear the fact that I have been crying. But the look on his face tells me that my hopes were short-lived. 

" Chancellor Palpatine has called a meeting with the senate. He requires all senators to attend immediately." He said.

" Is it about the incident at the Jedi temple?" I asked.

I crave all the answers I can get right now. I just hope he can give them to me.

" He didn't go into specifics. He just needs us all to meet urgently. He will discuss everything once we are all there."

I sighed, once again my hopes were short-lived.

" Alright, I am on my way." I said. 

" I will see you there." He said then he ended the call. 

I went to my bathroom and looked up into my mirror.

I am a mess. My eyes are stained with evidence that I have been crying. My dress is ruffled from the way I was sitting and don't even get me started on the disastrous mess that is my hair.

I splashed some warm water on my face, thankfully it did help with my appearance.

I redid my hair into a neat bun and slipped on my red dress that I normally wear to work. 

" Goodbye 3PO!" I called out to the droid as I left.

" Goodbye Mistress Padme!" He called back after me.

Despite it being late at night the passageways were lit up and lined with people all whispering about something.

I tried to make out what they were talking about, but their voices were too hushed and I couldn't make a single thing out.

When I reached the Senate hall I was slightly disappointed to see that everyone was as clueless about what was going on as I.

However, I noticed a few of the senators who are more close to Chancellor Palpatine did not share the same look of confusion as some of us did.

" Here you are." Senator Organa smiled.

" Here I am." I said. 

I couldn't give anymore more than a  small smile and even that felt forced. And Senator Organa could see my sadness.

" Do you guys have any idea what this meeting is all about?" Mon Mothman asked as she came up from behind me.

" I have no idea." Senator Organa shook his head. 

" Neither do I but it appears we may be the only few who don't. Most of the senators here seem to understand what is happening." I said.

She looked around at all the senators and nodded her head.

" Must be about the fire at the Jedi temple." She suggested.

" Must be." I mumbled.

We all began to lead into our pods. And soon the hall was packed and abuzz with every senator of the Republic. 

Chancellor Palpatine and his advisor were floating in their pod in the center of the room.

He raised his hands and the hall that was once echoing with the voices of the senators immediately quietened down into silence. 

"  Senators tonight I bring terrible and unexpected news. As many of you may know I was attacked by four Jedi earlier last night,"


The few of us who didn't hear the news earlier began to gasp or shout in outrage.

" I know, trust me I know that this is difficult to hear. I was beyond shocked when it happened. But I am telling the truth and I have proof,"

He began to play a recording of him yelling for help and the distinct sounds of lightsabers being slashed through the air.

" I can't believe this." Senator Organa whispered to me.

" There must have been a reason." I whispered back.

" Thankfully I managed to get a blaster and defend myself. But as you all could hear the Jedi were there to murder me. They wanted to take over the senate. It has been their plan all along and we all fell into their traps. Which is why I have issued a state of emergency and I ordered our cline army to storm the Jedi temple and wipe them out,"

" You can't do that!" One of the senators yelled.

He was soon followed by shouting of other senators who are loyal to the Jedi.

" With the state of emergency I can and I have also issued a death order on any remaining Jedi,"


" You can't just kill them!"

" They need to stand trial!"

" This is outrageous!"

"Starting today we will have to form a new government. Today senators of the Republic we will dismantle our current systems one by one and soon our new empire will arise!"

" We can't stand for this." Senator Organa said.

" No, no we can not."

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