Chapter 9: Strange Coordinates

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"You again!"

*Padme's POV*

After the chancellor's announcement, we spent literally hours begging him to undo his new movement. The Senate is split in half. Half of us want his movement of an empire to end the other half support him fully.

Democracy is dying.

As soon as we were all dismissed Senator Organa, Mothma and I hurried to my apartment where we knew we could speak freely.

" What are we going to do?" Senator Organa asked as we entered my place.

" I don't know." I sighed.

" I can not believe there are senators who actually support these dictatorship views." Mothma cried.

" Me either." I said.

" Well, we need to find a way to stop this." Senator Organa said.

" I agree." Mothma announced.

" Agree." I said.

My gaze unintentionally drifted towards the ashy ruin of the Jedi temple. The once pinnacle center of the planet is now........ nothing.

" Mistress Padme are you alright?" 3PO asked.

I bit down on my bottom lip to stop it from quivering.

" No 3PO."

" I understand how you feel Mistress. I miss them terribly. Especially R2."

I chuckled as I wiped away a tear that was trickling down my cheek.

" What do you think actually happened between Palpatine and the Jedi?" Senator Organa asked.

" I'm not sure but if they did attack him they must have had a good reason." I said.

" We need to find out the truth because it could be our way to put an end to this Empire."

" Agreed so I was thinking-"

" Padme I know you want to get started right away but we can't." Mothma gave me a sad smile.

" Why?"

" We need to move slow and strike when he least suspects it. Right now he will be waiting for someone to try and do what we want to do and he will be ready. We need to pretend like we have been converted to his side." She explained. 

As badly as I want to take action right now I know Mothma is right. We need to wait.

I know it will eat me up inside pretending to side with him. But it has to be done.

"Okay." I said.

" Ani stay safe."

Please force just keep my husband safe until the day we can be reunited.

*Anakin's POV*

I layed back in my chair at the captain's spot.

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