Tobio's POV

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SHOYO: No!!!

I was shocked at how pissed he was.

Never in my life had I dreamt of hearing this tone of voice from anyone.

Especially not from Shoyo.

Not from the person I care the most.

I've always loved Shoyo's smile.

That smile would light up even my darkest moods.

It hurts so much not seeing that smile now.

Now that I decided to move away temporarily.

SHOYO: You can't just do that to me, Tobio!!!

I didn't think Shoyo would react this way.

I decided to try the student exchange program with Inarizaki High the day I left Shoyo with Tsukishima at the hospital.

The day I let Shoyo go.

I wanted Shoyo to be happy. I know Shoyo loves Tsukishima more than he loves me.

I had to let go.

I can't compete with how much love they have for each other.

I was hurt so damn much that day though.

I didn't want Shoyo to know I regret letting go, so I faked my smiles.

When I finally made it out of that room, I wanted to run away.

As far away as possible.

I love Shoyo so much and it hurts like hell!

I received the reply e-mail from Inarizaki High last night.

To my surprise, my application was granted.

They will be sending Miya Atsumu, their volleyball club setter, in exchange.

This was my condition. I was surprised they agreed.

At least Shoyo will get to practice with a really good setter while I'm away.

While I fix myself.

SHOYO: Are you even listening to me, Tobio???

Not wanting to see Shoyo's furious face, I looked down.

TOBIO: I'm sorry Shoyo.. Please let me do this.. I need this..

I heard his footsteps coming near me, stopping 1 step shy to where I was standing.

SHOYO: You need this? Because of me right?

There was concern in his voice now.

My mind can't think straight, I don't know how to respond to this.

Then Shoyo hugged me.

I hugged back instantly. The tightest I can.

I don't know if I would ever get to hug Shoyo again.

I closed my eyes as I kissed Shoyo's forehead.

TOBIO: I love you so much Shoyo..

SHOYO: Don't forget me please..

TOBIO: I'll never forget you dumbass.. even if I push myself to.

That just won't be possible.



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