Oya Bothers' POV

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BOKUTO: Tsuki Bro! Turn your damn phone on!

AKASHI: What the hell, Bokuto! Relax.. He might just be busy or something..

BOKUTO: Hmp! Anyway, are you home now Keiji?

AKASHI: Yes Bokuto-san. You dropped me off just a corner away from my house, remember?

BOKUTO: You still had to walk to get to your house Akashi. What if you got kidnapped or something?

AKASHI: 10 steps Kotaro.. I probably had to take 10 steps to get to my house after you left.

BOKUTO: Still.. I had to make sure..

AKASHI: Don't worry now Kotaro. I'm fine.

BOKUTO: Fine Akashi. I just got home. I'll change first while waiting for Tsuki to come up.


BOKUTO: Oya oya!

AKASHI: I thought you were going to change Kotaro.. Go now.. While we're waiting for Kei.

BOKUTO: But my bro Kuroo's here..

KUROO: You go bro. I'll wait for you.

BOKUTO: Fine, fine. Be back in a flash! Wait for me Akashi..

AKASHI: Yes Kotaro. I won't be going anywhere.

KUROO: Go now bro..

AKASHI: You read Kei's message earlier Kuroo?

KUROO: Yah.. Got me all curious with that Miya guy.. Hitting up on Chibi-chan huh? So not nice.

AKASHI: Kageyama figured this one all wrong.. Exchanging with Miya.. tsk..

KUROO: Yeah.. Kenma freaked out actually when I showed him Tsuki's message.

AKASHI: Well, he's Shoyo's bestfriend.. He doesn't know what's been happening with Shoyo?

KUROO: They haven't been contacting each other ever since we advised Tsuki to confess to Chibi. Must have been busy taking care of our bro Tsuki.. haha.

AKASHI: Probably..

KEI: Hey..

KUROO: Oya Tsuki!

BOKUTO: Oya oya Tsuki!

AKASHI: You're done Kotaro?

BOKUTO: Yep! I went like flash! Haha!

KEI: Sorry it took me so long. Had to ensure Shoyo's asleep before I get to you guys.

AKASHI: No worries Kei. We understand.

KUROO: So what's with this Miya? You think you can handle him? Or do you want us to go there and beat the hell out of him???

BOKUTO: Yah, yah! Do you need help? I'll bring my baseball bat and Kuroo can bring- I dunno- something he can use to help me beat that guy up..

AKASHI: What the-? Are you guys serious???

KUROO: O hell yeah we are!

KEI: Thanks for the offer guys. But the team can handle Miya at the moment. I just really need help with Kageyama..

AKASHI: Kageyama?

BOKUTO: Are we going to beat Kageyama up too? Because it was his fault that the Miya came to Karasuno and caused harm to my baby Hinata?

KUROO: I don't think we're supposed to do that with Kageyama bro..

KEI: Idiots! Am I really friends with you guys?

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now