Kei's POV

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KEI: No! I'm not letting you go!

I don't think I'd ever been this happy.

My wound still kinda hurts. But I don't mind really.

I'm enjoying this too much.

Hugging Shoyo. Haha!

SHOYO: I'm not going anywhere Kei! Haha!

He kept trying to get away from me, but I won't let him.

KEI: Shoyoooooo! I love you Shoyo!

I showered Shoyo with kisses.

SHOYO: I love you too Kei!

He responded with giggles.

To my disappointment, Shoyo managed to get us both to the couch.

I felt a sudden sting on my wound that let me loosen my hug on Shoyo.

Shoyo noticed.

He assisted me as I sit down on the couch, before he gently dropped down on the couch as well.

Shoyo was lying down, his head rested on my lap.

SHOYO: Does it still hurt?

Shoyo looked at me, worried.

KEI: Not much. It's ok.

Playing with Shoyo's hair relaxes me.

KEI: Hey, did you thank Coach Ukai already?

Coach Ukai offered to give us a ride home from the hospital earlier.

I was discharged 5 days after the operation.

The doctors wanted me to stay for a few more days, but I said I could manage.

Besides, Shoyo promised to stay at my house for a week once I get discharged.

Akiteru and my parents are not around to take care of me.

My parents are working overseas and Akiteru has school in Tokyo.

Shoyo did not want me alone while I was healing, so he talked to Akiteru about his plan on staying with me.

Akiteru told our parents and they were all thankful for Shoyo.

Shoyo's mom also agreed to his plan.

She even mentioned dropping by a couple of days to bring food.

I was too excited to even care what the doctors and everyone thought about my condition.

I wanted to go home.

I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend.

I wanted time with Shoyo.

The day I got wounded, I had to get an operation.

When I finally woke up in the hospital room, I saw Shoyo beside my hospital bed.

I would never forget what Shoyo said to me then.

It was like watching your own love story unfold right in front of your eyes.

I've always cared for Shoyo.

It's just that I'm not good in expressing my feelings to anyone, not even to Shoyo.

But Shoyo looked past that and I'm ecstatic, beyond ecstatic really, that Shoyo feels the same way I do.

I didn't think I'd get my chance though, especially when Kageyama got into the picture.

If I wasn't in love with Shoyo, I would have thought Kageyama was the best choice for Shoyo.

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now