Breaking Point

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Kei and Shoyo were on their way to Karasuno High for the volleyball practice.

They already had lunch in a nearby restaurant after Kei's check-up at the hospital.

Both were walking side by side, their hands intertwined rocking back and forth.

Shoyo: You're sure you're not mad at me? Really?

Kei ruffled Shoyo's fluffy hair.

Kei: Yes love. I just really hope that helped.

Shoyo started jumping up and down.

Kei found it cute, how Shoyo was so worried he'd get mad for not telling him he'd pay Kageyama a visit.

There was a sudden urge to feel jealous when Shoyo admitted that he was alone with Kageyama earlier, yes.

But Kei knew Shoyo too well.

He would never do anything unless he thinks it might be of help, even just a little.

Shoyo thinks he was able to lighten up Tobio's burden by him visiting.

If that was true, chances are, there is currently a small possibility of Kageyama to be willing to go back to Karasuno.

They arrived at the Karasuno gym.

Everyone was doing stretching already.

Everyone, including Atsumu who immediately noticed Shoyo upon arrival.

Kei noticed this and purposely kissed Shoyo's hand that was intertwined with his, while looking directly at Atsumu.

This pissed Atsumu, and his brows furrowed.

Kei smirked.

Shoyo noticed what Kei did and gave a small laugh.

Shoyo pulled Kei to get to the bleachers.

SHOYO: You haven't taken your medicine Kei?

KEI: Not yet.

SHOYO: Take it now Kei..

Shoyo looked inside his bag and handed the medicine to Kei.

KEI: I'll get water from the vendo machine.

SHOYO: You can drink from my tumbler though.

KEI: No, you need all the fluids you can get. I'll go get my own water.

SHOYO: Fine. I'll go ahead and do my stretching, ok?

KEI: Yah, I'll be right back..

Kei watched as Shoyo headed to the center of the court, with Nishinoya and Tanaka.

Kei then headed to the vendo machine a few steps outside the gym.

There were two girls who got there ahead of him.

The girls looked like they were taking their time choosing from the vendo, and it's making Kei anxious.

Kei tried to calm himself by playing with his 10/11 necklace, but this didn't really help him calm down.

He left Shoyo in the gym.

The whole team was there, but he's just not comfortable with Shoyo being in the same location as Atsumu.

KEI: Are you going to choose now or what?

The two girls looked scared and moved to either side of the vendo.

Kei snorted, pushed a button, took the bottle, and headed back to the gym.

The two girls were dumbfounded and ran away from the vendo without getting anything.

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now