Season Finale

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KEI: Thank you..

Kei was outside the clubroom, hands fixed on the railings.

He stared forward as he said this.

Tobio was standing beside him but facing the clubroom door. His arms were crossed over his chest.

TOBIO: You don't have to say thank you. Atsumu being here in Karasuno is actually my fault. If I didn't transfer to Inarizaki, none of this would have happened.

Kei did not shift his gaze.

KEI: But you left because of me..

TOBIO: No. It was for me. I thought I would feel better if I moved away. If I don't see Shoyo with you.

Tobio released his crossed arms and played with his bag's strap.

TOBIO: But it really didn't. I felt more depressed. And I realized it after I got to talk to you last night, and Shoyo this morning.

Kei shifted his head to face Tobio.

TOBIO: I'd rather see him with you than to actually not see him at all.

Kei returned to looking forward.

KEI: I understand.

There was a short pause.

KEI: Do I have to fight for Shoyo?

Tobio looked down.

TOBIO: I still love Shoyo.. but I let him go because I know he loves you more than he loves me. I still believe that. I want Shoyo's happiness. He's happier with you. But please..

Tobio faced Kei, and bent his upper body.

TOBIO: Please let me be around him. I won't steal him from you, I promise.

Kei side-glanced at Tobio, shocked with Tobio's actions, then smirks.

KEI: I'm going to beat the hell out of you if you ever try to steal my sunshine away from me.

Tobio was on his way to dropping to his knees.

Realizing this, Kei stopped him.

KEI: You don't really have to do that. Tsk! Stand up, you idiot!

Tobio followed, stood up straight, but his head was still looking on the floor.

TOBIO: I'll do anything for you to allow me to be with him.

His hair was covering his eyes.

KEI: You're part of Shoyo's happiness, Kageyama. I'm not stupid enough to cut you off his life just because I see you as competition.

Kei turned around, now facing the clubroom door as well.

KEI: I just have this one request.

Tobio's head shifted to look at Kei.

KEI: Don't make me jealous too much. I'm jealous enough just seeing you this eager to be with Shoyo.

Tobio nodded.

TOBIO: I'll try my best not to, Tsukishima. Promise me two things though..

KEI: That is?

TOBIO: One, I know you're already doing it. Take care of Shoyo.

KEI: The second?

TOBIO: Never hurt him..

KEI: I have no intention to do that..

Kei looked at the full moon as he shifted his gaze to the dark sky.

TOBIO: That would probably be the time I'll regret giving him up. That would probably be the time I'll take him back from you.

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now