Tsukishima and Kageyama

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Kei's one week with Shoyo was up.

Shoyo had to go back to his house for the night.

Kei just dropped Shoyo off, then went straight to where he is now.

Sitting on someone else's porch.


It's really cold, he thought.

But nothing can stop his plan for tonight.

This has got to work!

It has to!

No one was in the house, the lights were off.

He did not mind the darkness surrounding him.

The moonlight was just enough.

It gave him the focus that he needed.

He stared at the necklace Shoyo gave him the other day.

A number 10 was engraved on the front, and a number 11 on the back of its silver pendant.

"What are you doing here?"

Kei heard someone from the gate yell out.

He tucked the necklace under his shirt before he faced the guy from the gate.

KEI: I need to talk to you.

Tobio's raven hair glistened under the moonlight.

Kei saw his eyes. They were his usual blue, but darkness seemed to have filled it.

TOBIO: We don't have anything to talk about Tsukishima. How did you even know I'll be here?

KEI: Daichi-san told me you were coming home tonight.

Tobio walked past where Kei was sitting.

The sound of metal rubbing against each other echoed through the silence as Tobio tried to unlock his house's door.

TOBIO: I can't deal with you right now, Tsukishima. Where's Shoyo?

Kei stood up from where he was sitting and faced Tobio's direction.

KEI: I dropped Shoyo home before I went here.

Tobio snorted.

TOBIO: Whatever. Just leave.

Kei did not move an inch.

Tobio was about to open the door.

KEI: Come back to Karasuno, Kageyama..

Tobio halted, confused.

TOBIO: Why..? I mean, why would you ask me to come back?

Tobio's heart was racing.

He turned around to face Kei.

TOBIO: Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to move to Inarizaki? How I cried every single night, because I won't be seeing Shoyo anymore? Do you?

Tobio's voice was trembling.

Kei let Tobio speak his heart out.

Kei knows the feeling of not being with the person you have deep feelings for.

He's been there.

Kei would never want to get back there.

TOBIO: Dammit, I love Shoyo Tsukishima! Don't you get it? I gave Shoyo up because of you! I moved away because I know I won't be able to think straight every time I'd see Shoyo with you! Now you want me back to Karasuno? Why? So you could brag to me? That you have Shoyo, and I don't?

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now