Tsukishima and Hinata

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It's 3AM!

Kei is still awake.

He has been thinking about his conversation with Kageyama ever since he got home.

The pain from his wound has been sharp ever since they had that talk.

But his heart's pain is far worse.

What if Kageyama still refuses to come back to Karasuno?


The pain's getting harder to handle.

He looks at his wound.

There was no blood on the stitches.

He wonders why it's been hurting so much.

Kei finally decides to take his pain medication and drinks the water on his bedside table.

He checks his phone for messages.

There were tons of messages from the Karasuno VC GC and the Oya Brothers' GC.

He didn't bother opening them.

There were personal messages from Shoyo, too.

Shoyo was worried that he hasn't messaged him yet.

Kei wonders if Shoyo's still up.

He tried to dial Shoyo's number.

He planned on hanging up after the first ring, but the call was picked up by the middle of the ring.


Kei's face lit up at the sound of Shoyo's voice.

He loves it whenever he hears Shoyo call him by his first name.

KEI: Hey love. You're still awake? It's already 3AM..

SHOYO: I was waiting for your message..

Kei could imagine Shoyo pouting as he said those words..

KEI: Aww.. I'm really sorry love.. I was just pre-occupied.

SHOYO: With what though? To the extent that you'll forget to send a goodnight message.. really?

Kei did not mention he was going to visit Kageyama.

He did not like keeping secrets from Shoyo.

KEI: I went to see Kageyama.

SHOYO: Tobio? He's here?

Kei could hear shock in Shoyo's voice.

KEI: Yeah. Daichi-san mentioned that Kageyama will be here tonight.

SHOYO: Why though..

KEI: He didn't say.

SHOYO: Anyway.. why did you not tell me you were going to see Tobio, huh?

KEI: I knew you would want to come..

Shoyo seemed hesitant with his next question.

SHOYO: You don't want me to see Tobio?

Kei thought for a moment.

KEI: Not really. I just wanted to talk to him alone.

SHOYO: What did you two talk about?

KEI: I asked him to come back to Karasuno.


This is the reason why Kei did not want to check his GCs.

He didn't really know what happened with his conversation with Kageyama.

KEI: I'm not sure..

SHOYO: He didn't say yes to you?

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now