Hinata and Kageyama

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Shoyo stood there, outside Tobio's house.

He was not sure about this.

But he wanted to check up on how Tobio's been doing.

They haven't talked since Tobio left for Inarizaki.

It was exactly 7AM.

I wonder if he'll let me in.

He didn't reply when I messaged him earlier.

Shoyo finally got the courage to knock on the door.

Kei would probably get mad at me when he knows about this, Shoyo thought.

The door slowly opened.

Shoyo saw him peek through the gap.

His eyes were that of the blue ocean..

Those eyes used to calm Shoyo.

But sadness fills them now.

SHOYO: May I come in?

Shoyo asked in a very calm yet expecting voice.

Tobio's eyes looked down for a few seconds before the door fully opened.

Shoyo was relieved, he entered the house.

Just when the front door closed, Shoyo felt Tobio's arms instantly around him.

Tobio hugged Shoyo so tight, it's as if they were away from each other for years.

Tobio's eyes were trying to stop tears from falling.

Shoyo hugged Tobio back, concerned.

Tobio wiped his tears, kissed Shoyo on his forehead, and took him by his hand.

Tobio led Shoyo to the living room and both sat on the couch.

Tobio shifted to a lying position, his head on Shoyo's lap.

Tobio started playing with Shoyo's fingers.

Shoyo smiled.

He did not expect Tobio to be this welcoming.

He really thought Tobio would yell at him, or even punch him.

But here he was, being so calm with Shoyo.

TOBIO: I miss you Sho.

A chuckle came out from Shoyo.

SHOYO: Well, it's kinda your fault Tobio. You shouldn't have gone to Inarizaki, you know..

Tobio had to ask.

TOBIO: How are you?

SHOYO: It's only been a week since you transferred to Inarizaki. But a lot has happened. Actually, Atsumu happened.

TOBIO: Yah, I heard. I'll punch that asshole real bad when I see him.

SHOYO: You're just like Kei. Haha! He's been trying to punch Atsumu the whole week.. But Noya and Tanaka senpais look out for him really well. They stop him.

TOBIO: I'll stop Noya and Tanaka from stopping Tsukishima.

Shoyo pulls his hand from Tobio.

Tobio gives a small laugh and retrieves Shoyo's hand.

TOBIO: Ok fine. I won't.

Shoyo looks at Tobio while he plays with his fingers.

SHOYO: How about you? How was your stay in Inarizaki?

TOBIO: I heard you knew about the party on my first day there..

SHOYO: Yah, I knew you were the one singing. You should really pursue that talent of yours. You sing really well.

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now