Atsumu's POV

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OSAMU: Are you sure about this?

I stopped fixing my luggage to face my twin brother, Osamu, whose upper body was leaning on the door. His arms were crossed over his chest.

He did not like the idea one bit, my transferring to Karasuno.

He thought it was going to cause chaos.

ATSUMU: Samu, I've told you like a hundred times already!

Irritated, I turned my back to him and went back to packing my clothes.

He probably doesn't believe I'm this much excited.

OSAMU: Tell me.. Really.. Why? At least give me your reason? Why did you decide to go to Karasuno without at least asking my opinion? Without asking the team's opinion?

I heard his bed creak.

This is not good.

I bet he'll be giving me a sermon tonight before I head to Karasuno tomorrow.

I faced him.

Well, I probably really should tell him the truth.

I stood up and left my slightly unfinished luggage.

I decided to sit beside him on his bed.

ATSUMU: You're aware that I have a huge crush on their # 10 right?

His reaction was unnecessary. For me, that is.

He forced his palm on my forehead, my upper body crashed on the bed.

ATSUMU: Hey!!! What the-?

Osamu was laughing so hard, I smiled inspite of my pained, red forehead.

ATSUMU: You think that's funny huh?

OSAMU: Are you kidding me? That's hilarious! You mean you decided to go to Karasuno just because of their # 10???

My forehead must be really red right now, plus the fact that I'm blushing just hearing Karasuno and #10 in one sentence.

ATSUMU: Well, you saw them play right?

Osamu must be trying his hardest to calm his laughter, but he just kind of bursts out laughing every few seconds.

OSAMU: Well, yeah.. but I didn't go crazy on anyone of them... I'm not you.

When I heard about Karasuno being a dark horse for tournaments, I got curious.

I watched every game they have on Youtube!

He was so good.

I would imagine myself tossing to him in a game.

Osamu would laugh at me whenever I talk to him about it.

ATSUMU: It was actually Kageyama who applied for the exchange student program, you know.

Osamu's eyes widened.

That's when I was slapped on my back.

ATSUMU: Hey! Will you stop hurting me Samu!

OSAMU: Well, you're not telling me any of these until now.. So yeah, you deserve that! What else then?

ATSUMU: As I was saying.. Kageyama requested. Our principal told me. He had a special request though. He wanted me to be the one to go to Karasuno.

Osamu looked bewildered.

OSAMU: What's up with that? He specifically asked for you?

I reached for my pocket and handed Osamu my copy of Kageyama's request.

I gave him time to read it.

OSAMU: I wonder why..

Osamu handed me back the paper.

ATSUMU: I don't really care why.. I'm just happy I'm going to see #10! Hahaha!

I was able to block Osamu's attempt on my forehead again.

He looked disappointed.

OSAMU: I think there's something wrong with Karasuno.

Looking at the paper, I just noticed that Kageyama left his phone number on his request letter.

ATSUMU: I just saw his number here. You think I should send him a message?

I took my phone out and started thinking how I should message him.

OSAMU: You probably should. At least confirm if he didn't change his mind with the transferring..




"Hey Kageyama! This is Miya Atsumu. I believe we'll be exchanging schools starting tomorrow.. Are you sure about this?"




We were silent.

We both were anxious.

I bet Osamu wanted Kageyama to say that he changed his mind about the transfer.

Well, I'm getting my hopes up that he won't be turning back.

I'm so excited to see 10!

When my phone lit up, Osamu leaned closer to see the reply.




"Hi. Yes, I'm sure. Just promise me you'll take care of Hinata. Practice with him as much as you can. I'll keep in touch to check on him. Thank you."




We looked at each other.

OSAMU: Well, that's weird.

ATSUMU: At least I now have an excuse to get closer to 10..

Osamu managed to hit me again.

My mind was racing through thoughts, I wasn't prepared for that hit.

OSAMU: You better behave yourself there Atsumu!!!

I grinned.

ATSUMU: I can't promise you that Samu..

I went back to where I was packing my clothes.

I didn't want Osamu to see how happy I am.

Hinata's mine.



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