The Karasuno Aftermath

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No one dared speak after what happened.

Kei sat there with Shoyo on his lap.

Shoyo's face buried on Kei's neck.

Kei noticed that Shoyo's breathing was relaxed now as compared to earlier.

But Kei still did not want to let go of Shoyo.

There was no way Kei would want to let go of Shoyo after that.

Kei noticed Atsumu appeared at the storeroom door.

His hold on Shoyo tightened.

Shoyo noticed even with his back facing the storeroom and held one hand on the back of Kei's neck to calm him.

Atsumu was walking towards them.

Nishinoya saw the tension going on and stood in front of where Kei and Shoyo were sitting.

NOYA: Stop this right now Miya!

Nishinoya yelled as Atsumu neared the pair.

NOYA: You have no right to do that to Hinata!

Daichi and Sugawara stood on either side of Nishinoya, trying to block Atsumu from coming any nearer to where Kei and Shoyo were sitting.

Atsumu stopped from his track and bent down.

ATSUMU: Gomen Tsukishima. Gomen Hinata.

Everyone was in shock.

Shoyo turned to see what was happening.

From Kei's lap, Shoyo slowly moved to sit beside him.

Kei stared at Shoyo, analyzing his every move.

SHOYO: Atsumu.. Come sit beside me.

Atsumu was shocked to hear Shoyo's voice, and the fact that Shoyo wanted him near.

Kei held Shoyo's hand.

He did not know what Shoyo has planned, but he trusts Shoyo.

He held Shoyo's hand tighter as Atsumu comes closer and sits on the other side of Shoyo.

ATSUMU: I'm sorry Hinata..

SHOYO: You scared me Atsumu..

Shoyo noticed Atsumu's swollen jaw but decided not to mention it.

ATSUMU: I know.. I don't know what came over me ever since I got to Karasuno.. I'm really sorry..

Shoyo heaved a sigh, then ruffles Atsumu's blonde-colored hair.

SHOYO: I'm glad you realized it this early..

Atsumu nodded in agreement.

ATSUMU: Will you ever forgive me, Hinata?

SHOYO: Just promise me you'll never do that again.. Not to me.. Not to anyone else..

ATSUMU: I promise.

Atsumu dropped his forehead on Shoyo's shoulder and Shoyo once again ruffled his hair.

This lasted for a few seconds..

Until Kei pushed Atsumu's head away, leaving Atsumu stunned by Kei's action.

KEI: Too close! Keep away from my sunshine!

Shoyo gave a small giggle as he looked at Kei.

Kei realized that Shoyo was looking at him, and looked back into Shoyo.

SHOYO: I love you Kei.. Thank you..

Kei took Shoyo's hand that he was holding and placed it on his chest, his head now resting on Shoyo's shoulder.

WAKE UP: A Kagehina / Tsukihina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now