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"Ah, would you look at that! It's a Potter with another Potter", the annoying voice of Draco Malfoy said behind my back.

"Shut up Malfoy", my brother, Harry, said as he rolled his eyes.

"I won't bother your ass for long. I just came to get my essay from your sister", Draco said and turned to look at me as he leaned forward. 

"Seriously, Y/N? You still do his homework?" Harry scoffed as I gave Draco his essay. Draco hurriedly looked through the essay and then ruffled my hair before leaving.

"Seriously sis, you need to stop", Harry said and walked to class with me right behind him. As we both entered the classroom, Harry went to his friends Ron and Hermione, leaving me all alone. He did that every single time. I wouldn't complain otherwise but I didn't have any friends. And the only available place was usually either next to Draco or somewhere very near him. That's how I actually got myself in to my current situation in the first place. It had been the potions class and I had been all by myself again. The only place was on the back of the classroom right next to Draco. We were supposed to work on some potions in pairs and I had ended up doing all the work while Draco kept nagging to me. After that class he's been forcing me to do his homework.

And once again, the only place was next to Draco. I swore he didn't let anyone else sit beside him on purpose. Just that he could annoy me through the whole class. I groaned loudly and dropped my books on the table, startling Draco and his friends.

"Oops, my bad", I gave a fake smile and sat on the chair. Soon Snape walked in the classroom and the class began. Through the whole class I could feel Draco's eyes on me but I didn't turn to look at him, not even once.

After the class ended I quickly gathered my stuff and ran out of the classroom, towards the Gryffindor common room. As I finally walked through the painting I dropped my bag down and sat on the couch. Soon the boys' dorm's door opened and two tall red heads were standing in front of me.

"Does someone have boy problems?" Fred smiled before sitting next to me. George sat on the other side of me. I was about to answer when I saw my brother, Hermione and Ron standing close to us. It seemed like they had heard us and were waiting for the answer as well. They came closer and sat on the ground in front of the couch, all looking at me. I just groaned, making the twins laugh.

"Come on, we want to know too. Do you have a crush on someone?" Ron asked, clearly excited.

"I bet this is about a certain Malfoy", George said, making me choke on my own spit. Harry's eyes widened and the twins high fived.

"I bet it's Lucius Malfoy", Fred said.

"What?! No, it's..." I almost exposed myself so I threw my hands on my mouth.

 "It's?" Hermione leaned forward wanting me to say who it is. By now I was already red like a tomato and I wanted to hide somewhere.

"Y/N... is it Draco?" Harry asked me with a disappointed sigh. I took my hands away from my mouth.

"No?" I tried to sound confident and believable but failed miserably.

"Gosh Y/N! This is why you've been doing his homework!" Harry yelled and got up, throwing his hands in the air.

"You've been doing his homework?" Hermione whispered.

"That's not why I've been doing his homework!" I yelled at Harry who was pacing around the common room.

"So you don't deny the fact that you like him?" He stopped on his tracks and my mouth opened slightly but no words came out. The silence was enough proof to Harry who went nuts. "Y/N! You're so stupid! Why would you like someone who is treating me and my friends so badly? And makes you do his homework?"

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