The Tunnel of Fear

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The water wasn't as cold as Valda had been expecting, but it still took her breath away. When she broke the surface, she could hear another three splashes from behind her. The others seemed happy to follow without too much fuss, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

She swam to the edge of the pool and spotted a ledge that could lead them directly behind the waterfall. It was a small mercy that they didn't have to swim directly through it, though it wouldn't stop them from being drenched by the time they reached the tunnel.

The climb was harder than she'd been expecting. The rocks were slippery and made ineffective handles to pull herself up with.

In the end, she resorted to using her magic so that the water propelled her upwards. Her shoes skidded along the rock, but eventually she could balance herself. Mauve followed her example, landing next to her with more grace. Carrick, who was not as skilled with magic, managed just enough to get himself halfway out of the water before dragging himself the rest of the way. Tevin, more used to difficult situations, braced his foot against an out jutting rock and heaved himself up, using Carrick's arm to stabilize himself.

"Well, that went easier than I expected." Valda shivered, water flowing over her body and forming puddles in her boots.

With much skidding, they all made it to the back of the fountain with no one taking another soak in the water.

The waterfall droplets floated around them, but there wasn't enough light to form rainbows. It was a pity since it could have distracted them from the dark, slimy tunnel opened in front of them. The smell of soggy grass and stale air wafted from within and it made the hair on Valda's arms stand on end. Still, it was the quickest way to get to the rebel stronghold.

"Wait." Carrick grabbed Valda's arm as his voice echoed down the tunnel, making them all flinch at the booming sound. "What if this is another trap? What if we go through here and Lorcan is waiting for us?" His voice rose with his agitation.

Tevin's expression was just as fidgety, his eyes flicking from the waterfall behind them to the tunnel in front of them. He looked like he would rather be anywhere else.

Mauve was the only one who didn't look as concerned. "If the giants had wanted to hand us to Lorcan, they had enough opportunity. Or did you forget all that time you were knocked out." She reminded him, rolling her eyes and making him look away in embarrassment. He still hadn't got over being incapacitated.

"I'm just trying to say that maybe this isn't the best option."

"I agree," Tevin, said. Once again the boys found themselves on the same side which neither of them looked happy about.

Mauve and Valda looked at each other in exasperation. Valda had wanted nothing more than for Tevin and Carrick to get on, but it appeared the only time that they did was when they were questioning her. She found this recent development mildly annoying.

"Look, I trust King Kadtius. I know this is the best way." Valda resisted the urge to grind her teeth together.

Carrick shook his head. "But how do you know?" He questioned her as if she was a child. His condescending tone instantly made Valda rip her arm out of his. Her eyes filled with anger.

"Because it feels right. Lania fell in the first place because the Fae took the other species for granted. The only way they thought they could be heard was to join Lorcan's forces. Don't you get it? They don't trust Lorcan anymore than we do, but he was the better choice. We have to be better than him." She poked him in the chest at the end of every sentence, so he understood how serious she was.


Carrick would have retorted, but Tevin's strangled shout interrupted him. They all turned to look at him as Tevin held his hands out in wonder.

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