A Blessing

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Valda was trying not to hyperventilate as Dusk dragged her along to the stables. The horses had already been seen to that morning, so it was empty except for its curious animals. They raised their heads, neighing as Valda and Dusk entered.

Once inside, Dusk closed the door behind them before plopping herself down on a hay bale. Her violet eyes watched Valda with an unreadable expression.

Not being able to sit still, Valda went over to a horse and patted its neck.

"So is there anything you need Dusk?" She broke the quietness, cringing at how breathy her voice sounded.

Dusk's relaxed posture morphed in front of Valda's eyes. She sat forward, pulling the dagger from her belt and resting her elbows on her knees. Her eyes focused on her hands as if she no longer wanted to look at Valda.

She sighed, twirling the dagger in her hands. "I've had word from my brother and it isn't good."

Valda's hands froze on the horse's mane. Dusk's brother was the Fairy king. He'd been one of the more reluctant participants in helping them with Lorcan. It had taken most of the two weeks for him to send Dusk and her soldiers to help. And even then, Valda knew he wasn't happy to help the Fae.

"He's told you to return home?" Valda guessed.

Dusk's mouth curved at the corners. "No, I wish it had been that easy. I would have just defied his wishes."

Valda wanted to ask why she would do that for the Fae, but kept her mouth clamped shut. It was clear that Dusk had more she wanted to stay and Valda was not going to interrupt that.

Dusk lifted her head, fixing Valda with a steady look. "My brother said some of the other fairy kingdoms have joined Lorcan. As we speak they are preparing magical barricades around the Fae kingdom. Even if we leave tomorrow, my brother estimates it could take till the autumn equinox to reach the castle."

Valda leaned against the horse stall, all the breath knocked out of her. They were hoping to get to Lania with a few days to spare, but it appeared those hopes were being ripped to shred. Somehow Lorcan always seemed to be three steps ahead of them.

"You're sure?"

Dusk nodded her head. "My second in command brought my brother's letter straight to me after the meeting. I knew that you'd have to be the first to know."

Goosebumps formed on Valda's arm and her heartbeat sounded in her ears. "There is nothing else we can do. We will have to march tomorrow and hope we arrive in time. Either way, we have to stop Lorcan before he destroys everything."

She tried not to think about what her Mom would go through if they didn't make it in time. The thought only turned her stomach.

Mauve had already explained what the process would do. Queen Orlaigh would be nothing more than an empty shell, everything that made her who she was would be gone.

"I'm sorry I don't have better news Valda." Dusk grimaced, raising her dagger and impaling it in the hay next to her.

Her brother's news was bad, but she knew it was a hundred times worse for Valda and the other Fae. They had already seen their Queen and homes overrun. The last thing they needed was for Lorcan to grow stronger. He needed to be stopped in the Fae Kingdom before he set his eyes on the other inhabitants of Lania.

She looked at Valda, noticing her desperately trying to appear brave. It was almost heartbreaking.

If someone had told Dusk two weeks ago that she would have been feeling sorry for a Fae, or at least a half Fae, she would have laughed in their face. And yet, looking at Valda, she felt more than just sorry for the girl. She felt the need to protect her.

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