The Puppet Master

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"Master, I'm sorry. Lania is back in my sister's control." Lorcan bit out the words, his head bowed. Bowen, the guard who had helped him escape, stood to the side, his face carefully blank.

Iona sat forward, placing her hands together as she looked at Lorcan. A cruel smile pulling up the corners of her mouth.

"Did you get the stone?"

Lorcan pulled out his necklace and opened the pendant. Iona's eyes tracked his moments like a tiger waiting to pounce. Her tongue flicked out to moisten her dry lips.

A charred black stone fell into his palm and he held it up to Iona. "Of course."

With minute precision, she left the chair, her long silky hair flowing down her back. Her fingers plucked the stone from his hands. She turned it over, feeling the hum of energy pass through it.

"Very good, Lorcan," she murmured, barely paying him any attention.

"But Master, my sister still lives and her brat...her brat is a Healer." He raised his head, snapping the pendant back together, so it hung directly over his heart.

Iona only laughed, though there was no warmth in the sound. "Lorcan, it does not matter. Lania was just a small part of what is coming. We must now focus on our next move."

"But Master-"

"Enough!" Iona screamed, her eyes flashing dangerously.

Lorcan instantly fell silent, clamping his mouth shut.

Iona's frustrated expression melted away to reveal a dazzling smile that could easily freeze hell.

"Lorcan, do you not trust my judgement?"

"Of course not, Master."

"Then you doubt my plan?" She waited, her eyes cold.

"O-of course not, Master." Lorcan stuttered, realising his mistake at speaking out.

Iona patted his cheek in an effort that was supposed to be soothing but was anything but. "You have served me well and fear not, I will reward you. Evan!" She called out.

A guard, dressed entirely in emerald green, marched forward out of the shadows.

"Take our new captain and make sure he is welcomed with everything we have to offer."

The guard stood to attention. "Yes, Master."

"T-hank you, Master." Lorcan bowed low before following the guard out of the room.

Iona returned to her throne. "You think my decision foolish?" She looked at Bowen, noticing his unhappy expression.

"Lorcan failed to keep Lania in his control. Now Queen Orlaigh and the Healers will undoubtedly guess at your plan. He has put us at risk." Bowen's voice dripped with contempt whilst Iona watched him with an amused expression.

"Perhaps, but he has also brought us the first key to their destruction."

Bowen went to argue, but Iona held up her hand, silencing him.

"Be that as it may, we will observe him."

Bowen smiled cruelly, hearing the threat behind his Master's words.

"Prepare the men. It is time we join our forces in the fairy kingdom."

"Do you think we'll find the second piece there?"

Iona smoothed her fingers over the stone, brushing away the soot and seeing the purple gem that lay beneath.


Bowen knew he had been dismissed and quickly left to follow his orders, relishing the thought of moving again. Too long had they been waiting on Lorcan to break the Fae seal imprisoning the gem. If it had been Bowen, he would have given his own life to free the gem, but Lorcan was a coward. The man had had to drain another's magic to free it rather than sacrifice himself.

Iona watched Bowen go, knowing he would carry out her orders to the letter. Loyal soldiers were necessary and everyone of them who graced her inner walls had earned their place by her side. They too had a hatred of Adiocion and a desire to see it destroyed.

She fitted the stone into the hole in her bracelet, securing the lid over the top of it.

Soon the Healers' blade would be hers, and then Adiocion would fall.

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