The Power Within

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The sudden warmth between Carrick and Tevin the next morning hadn't rubbed off on Mauve, who was still giving her brother the cold shoulder.

"May, I said I'm sorry." Carrick tried for the hundredth time that morning, but Mauve pretended not to hear him.

Breakfast was a quiet affair, and it wasn't long before they dismantled their camp.

Everyone was grateful that the rain had let up from yesterday. Still, the lingering fog clung to their exposed skin and formed droplets on their clothes. Considering how high up they were, Valda wondered whether the fog was bits of cloud, floating over the top of the mountain.

"This pass should take us right across the mountain and down to the other side," Carrick called out, his voice echoing off the high stone sides.

The path must have originally been worn down by some long ago dried-up river. It had cut into the rock, leaving a path wide enough for an army to march through but sides so steep they would be impossible to climb. It made them feel exposed, though Tevin wasn't complaining. Even the steep sides were better than the tunnel.

The lyrics of the Healers' Call kept worming their way through Valda's head. She was sure it had featured in her dreams, but now in the morning light she couldn't be sure. Everything felt indistinct, the figures were all blurry, but she had the feeling that they had been waiting for something. Or someone.

The sound of their footsteps ricocheted off the stone, providing a beat for their next steps. It became a rhythm that could have rivalled any heartbeat and made talking impossible. Which wasn't a bad thing, given the animosity between the siblings.

"The fog seems to thicken ahead. We'd better hold on to each other," Tevin reasoned.

Mauve went to his side, taking hold of his hand and pointedly not looking at her brother. Valda wanted to smile at Tevin's flustered face, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for Carrick. He looked like a wounded animal after his sister's snub.

Wanting to ease his hurt, Valda walked forward and grabbed his hand before putting her other hand on Tevin's shoulder. At least this way, both boys had the ability to reach for their swords if they needed to.

Walking through the dense patch of fog was like stepping into another room. The sunlight disappeared, taking all the warmth with it. Every time they breathed in, it was like breathing in little shards of glass. It seemed to suck out all of their energy.

"Something about this doesn't seem right," Mauve whispered, her hand tightening around Tevin's.

"I agree, Daughter of the Fae."

Valda held both her hands to her head, losing her grip on both boys. She wondered if she was going crazy.

The voice seemed to come from all around them, vibrating through her head like it was her own thought.

"What-what was that?" Tevin stuttered out.

Valda looked to her left, only just making out Tevin's silhouette against the fog. She'd only let go of him seconds before, and yet he was further away than she would have guessed. Panic seized her, and she turned to find Carrick, freezing when she found him almost hidden by the fog. She was sure he'd been standing right beside her a moment before.

"Allow me to shed some light, Son of the Fae."

Suddenly, a stream of fire split the fog. Wherever it clashed with the fog it sizzled, burning it all until fire was the only thing left.

Valda expected to feel some sort of relief with the fog gone, but there was none. Her eyes focused on the looming figures previously concealed in the fog, and her brain skidded to a halt. She looked up, her eyes widening as she took them in.

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