Lania Falls

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Queen Orlaigh paced anxiously, occasionally peeking through her window at the blackness outside. The fires raging outside the castle walls provided the only light. Homes and shops alight as the invading forces made their way through her kingdom.

Most of the nearby villagers were now housed inside the castle walls for safety, but panic had quickly turned to fear as the siege stretched on. They had all been locked inside the castle for days, and her magic was almost spent from keeping out their enemies.

She knew what their attackers were doing; waiting for them to give up. Attacking just enough to require her to use her magic so that everyone was trapped inside, but not enough to strain their forces.

And their waiting would pay off. Lania's pleas for help had gone unanswered. All of their allies were too scared of Lorcan's forces to side against him.

Despite the night, Queen Orlaigh could feel her elder brother's presence, so wrapped up in dark magic, that she feared for his soul. She should have known he would never let Lania remain in her control, but she'd been lulled by the many years of peace they'd enjoyed. She had been foolish.

Lorcan had only been biding his time, growing ever stronger and gaining allies throughout the realm. She had once thought him dangerous, but now she feared he was unstoppable. She only prayed that she was wrong about that.

Footsteps echoed of the stone hallway outside her room, drawing her attention away from her burning kingdom.

"Orlaigh." Her younger brother Artair stood in the doorway with his two children standing in his shadow. "You requested us."

Artair's eyes were forlorn and his face was heavily lined, knowing how bleak the future was for them. He was already aware of Orlaigh's plans and whilst he disagreed with her, he also knew it was the only way for the kingdom to survive.

"It's time, brother." Orlaigh's voice was heavy with acceptance.

Artair nodded his head, a weight settling in his heart when he noticed his children's confused glances. How he wished he could explain more to them. Keep them by his side, always. But he knew that would not be possible.

Orlaigh watched her brother leave, but beckoned her niece and nephew forward. "Carrick, Mauve. Please, we haven't much time."

Mauve looked at her older brother, nervousness written all over her face. Her brother's expression mirrored hers, as it so often did. They were both unsure why they'd been brought here, rather than waiting with the rest of the villagers as they'd been told.

Orlaigh looked between them, seeing their young faces and cautious expressions. They were far too young for this mission, but there was no one else she could trust. They'd already caught far too many traitors over the last few days, and this was something too important to end up in the hands of the invaders.

Looking at Carrick, she could see the man he would one day become in the shape of his firm jaw and broad shoulders. Though there remained a boyish youngness to his face she feared he would soon lose. In that moment he reminded her so much of her brother, strong and courageous. He would need all of that in the days to come.

Mauve was different, younger in looks and ways. Her friendly and bubbly nature meant she was beloved throughout Lania but there was a determination to her too. A pampered princess she was not.

Orlaigh loathed giving them this task, knowing the risk that was involved, but they were in a war. And the worst part was they were going to lose.

"There is a portal waiting to take you to the human realm. You are to leave immediately and tell no one where you are going." They both tried to interrupt her with their objections, but quickly cut off when they saw her serious eyes. There was no time for arguments. She could already feel her magic breaking apart, succumbing to Lorcan's greater power.

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