Hidden Feelings

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"You don't have to do this?" Arlie looked over at Valda as they made their way to the rock face.

Valda had regained much of her strength, despite the long training sessions with Arlie and various meetings with the high Fae. But that still didn't mean Arlie was happy about where they were going.

"We leave for Lania tomorrow, I need to see them before that."

Arlie clamped her lips shut, swallowing her disapproval. Deep down, she knew Valda needed to see them to gain closure. Still, the equinox was in three days' time and there was still so much that needed doing before they were ready to go.

"Arlie, it will be okay."

She looked over at Valda, seeing the girl anew. Her wiry hair was braided close to her head and fell down her back, to stay out of her way during training. Her walk was confident and her head high.

Gone was the nervous girl Arlie had escorted into the stronghold a month ago. In her place was a warrior. A queen in the making.

Arlie nodded her head but kept glancing at Valda from the corner of her eye. She occasionally caught Carrick's eyes where he stood on Valda's other side. When he caught her looking he smiled and she quickly pulled her head away, thankful the scrap of material hid her blush.

She cursed her racing heart that had everything to do with the Prince and nothing to do with their destination. She'd always had a crush on him, but had thought her silly daydream was something she'd grown out of. It had been a nasty surprise to find that their recent training sessions seemed to have revived it; if it had ever disappeared in the first place.

His soft lingering hands as he passed her water and the way he tracked her movements when he thought no one was looking made her daydreams blossom, but she was always quick to shut them down. Putting it down to her imagination.

As far as she knew, the Prince still believed her to be a man, and she was reluctant to reveal herself to him. Although she'd shared her secret with Valda and the others, it felt too personal to tell Carrick.

"Through here." Arlie pointed, mentally shaking her thoughts away.

They passed two guards who bowed, continuing down until they came to a covered pen. Sheer mountainside surrounded three sides and wooden poles provided a glimpse into the cells. A wooden roof hung above them providing the only form of shelter.

Valda shuddered at the cold, bundling her hands into her pockets.

"And what do we owe for this royal visit?" The General sneered.

Lord Tristan looked up to briefly glare at them before his face fell into bleakness.

Carrick's hand went to his sword, but Valda pressed a hand to his shoulder. Their eyes met, and an understanding passed between them. He took a deep breath and relaxed his hands, putting them behind his back, his face a mask of indifference.

"Come to gloat, Princess?" The General spat at their feet.

Arlie had to give it to Valda. The girl didn't even flinch.

Valda looked over at the men in front of them. Their clothes were unkempt, but at least it was warm. The cell was barely furnished; just two cots and a shelf. Still, it was only a temporary holding place until things were decided.

"No. I came to ask you why you did it?"

The General hit the wooden bars with force, his arms reaching out to grab her but they were too far away. His expression was lethal, the white's of his eyes stained with red from all the night's of sleep he'd lost. For all his bravado, Valda could see his fear. He worried about what his future would be, or the lack of one.

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