You've Found Me

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|Tymir's POV|

Same night.

I looked high and low for Camille, down the steets of Cali. I don't give a fuck about what anybody says, I care for that girl alot. Nobody can tell me different. She's been great with my kids, my boys like her. Hell, my mama even wants to meet her.

Camille is AMAZING, just so damn amazing. I never met a girl so sweet and humble as her. I just hope my baby is okay.

After Blue told me about what he did, I went off on him. I knew I wouldn't have a chance with Camille, with King around but I'll be damned if I didn't try. I tried calling her, texting her, facetime, all that but no answer.

She just went missing, like I don't understand. Was she that upset? She could have at least called with a blocked number, to let me know she was alright.

"Fuck man!" I yelled, banging my steering wheel.

I just want my girl back in my arms.

|Camille's POV|

Flashback, earlier that day.

"So Kareem, where's Ki?" I asked him, smiling. He was the only person I trusted at this point. I can't believe Blue lied to me so long. I love him like a brother, I do. But the shit he pulled really ticked me off, like damn.

I wouldn't even hear his sorry ass excuse. You just can't keep something like this, from someone. This was so heartbreaking. I don't even know if I wanna talk to him again.

He, Tymir, and their boys have been blowing my phone up, but I simply ignore all of them. The only person I call is Kareem. This has been going on for a week now.

"She's asleep upstairs, lazy ass." He mumbled, causing me to giggle.

"You are a mess, but what are you doing later on?" I asked. I needed to go out somewhere, but I had to careful not to run into one of Blue's boys. Or him for that matter.

"Not shit. Kirya is going to meet up with her auntie later, and I don't wanna go. That bitch hates me."

"Need me to handle that?" I asked, jokingly.

"Nah, ion want no problems with my girl's people. If she hits me, then I'll call you." He chuckled.

"Iight, bet. But aye, check this out. I need to talk to you about some things, you think you can meet me somewhere?" I asked.

"Maybe." I can hear the smile in his voice. That boy is so goofy, I swear.

"C'mon, this is important."

"Alright, where?"

"Mm, how about that park close by the bank going out of town."

"Damn, that far? But okay, let me go tell Kirya. Don't be late." He said, hanging up.

I smacked my lips, getting up from the comfy hotel bed. I could live here, honestly.

I got dressed in simple tshirt and black leggins. I grabbed my keys, and exited my hotel room.

I practically jogged out of the lobby, making my way towards my car. It felt like someone was watching me, but I shrugged it off.

Getting in the car, I checked my surroundings then drove off. Lord please don't let me run into Blue or Tymir. Especially Tymir. He's been blowing up my phone the most, but my emotions are everywhere.

With Brandon living, I can't help but to start to drift away from him. I like him alot, and I care about him. But Brandon was my first, and no one can replace him. I hope he understands.

I got my designation in about 45 minutes. Kareem arrived shortly after. We decided to sit on a bench, close by the swings.

"Wassup sissy?" He asked, hugging me. I returned the gesture, then prepared myself to tell him everything about my past. I think he deserves to know.

"Well, my real name is not Sandra." I began. "It's actually Camille."

His eyes grew wide at the mention of my name.

"Whoa, Camille? Camille what? Camille Davis?" He asked. How the hell did he know?

"Oh my god!" He sort of yelled.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"This can't be true, this just can't be!" He panicked, pacing back and forth.

"Kareem, Kareem! Calm down! What's wrong?" I asked.

"You must be the girl my fath-"

Before he could finish his sentence two masked people knocked him out.

"Oh my! Kareem, what the fuck-"

Bam! I was hit too. I couldn't open my eyes, and my head was spinning. Why isn't nobody helping us?

I felt myself being dragged off to a car, I'm guessing. They put something clothlike on my nose, making me pass out instantly.

Deja vu. Kidnapped again.

Flashback Over. Same night.

Here I was tied up to a chair. Kareem is knocked out beside me, and I was struggling keeping myself awake.

I haven't felt pain like this in a long time, this shit is getting old. I really take back what I said, because I need Blue right now! Like right now! He and Tymir.

I can't believe I was kidnapped again, because all my enemies are dead. Who would want me now?

All these questions, but no answers.

As I tried to sit myself up, three people entered the room we were in. They appeared to be females. Really? I was kidnapped by some wild haired hoes. I bet it's some old highschool associates.

Two of the girls removed their mask, and I didn't recognize them, but when the third person removed hers I was shocked.

What the hell could she want with me?

3 more chapters left :(




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