Chapter 1, Cluedo?

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Halt and Will were sitting in their cabin when they heard a knock on their door. 

"Will, go open the door before Gilan busts his way in here." Halt grunted, sipping his coffee.

Will sighed, not wanting to leave his cup, but he got up and opened the door. Gilan was standing outside, relaxed, holding a strange box. Will raised his eyebrows upon seeing it, but let Gilan into the cabin.

Gilan placed the box in the center of the table, and looked around the room. "Coffee? Don't mind if I do." He said as he grabbed a cup and helped himself to the drink, spooning a generous amount of honey into it.

Halt frowned down at the box as he examined it. Will, reading the title, asked, "Cluedo? What, is it a game?"

Gilan shrugged. "I don't know. I tripped over it while I was walking through the forest, and brought it here. I though you guys could help me work out what to do with it."

All three of them peered down at the strange box. Halt picked it up, and, seeing writing on the back, flipped it over. "Who committed murder in the mansion?" He read aloud, an eyebrow raised. "Eliminate the suspects and discover whodunit, with what and where.".

"Well that's hardly an explanation." Will muttered.

"Whodunit?" Gilan asked, at the same time.

"That's what it says," Halt replied.

"We should open it." Gilan said.

"Why don't you open it?" Will asked, not really wanting to open the old box that they knew next to nothing about. "You found it."

"Yes, I found it. But, being the good friend I am, I wanted to leave the opening of the box to one of you two so we could all share in the experience." Gilan replied, also not wanting to open the strange box he'd found in the middle of the woods.

Halt sighed. "You two are big wusses. I'll open it. If something jumps out at me, shoot it."

The two nodded. Halt picked up the box, shook it, and, hearing no sounds that immediately screamed danger, opened the box.

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