Chapter 6

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Spencer drew a shaking breath. He clenched his fists, and put a hand on his sword. But he changed his mind when he looked at his cousin and saw the look in her eyes.

"She's got this." He realized.

"I, I'm trusting your power to keep her in check, but know that I want to eliminate this threat to my family and friends now." And like that, he left Katie's mind and was back in his cell. It felt like years had passed in the mental battles, but the clock said only ten minutes had passed.

Katie had nodded to her cousin as she turned back to Tokali. The goddess was sobbing at the offer that the girl had given to this weakened being.

"I would punish you but you do not deserve death if you only did this to live to begin with. So let me offer you a chance to live. I may have to convince Sans... But I think it could work." Katie had held out her hand to the goddess and tokali took it. Looking as if she was fading.

"you will keep your word?" Tokali asked like a small child and Katie nodded to the question.

"I always do." She said and went back to reality. She shook her head and looked around.

"Well I have a tamed goddess now." She said to Spencer with a gleeful look.

"Join the club, cuz." Spencer said, nerves and mind both frayed. The door opened, and an officer entered.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Mcewen, but visiting hours have ended. Say goodbye, then please exit the cell." He said, as respectful as you can be while telling someone to go away.

Katie nodded to the officer and looked at Spencer.

"Goodbye and Thank you." She said before leaving and unknown to Spencer, Ink was there the entire time.

Spencer looked down at his papers, writers block smashing him in the face. He slumped over the desk, falling asleep on the story of his life's most amazing story to date. He woke up the next morning and went to the courtroom to see the judge.

Katie had gotten ready and headed out to the court. She knew she might have to be asked questions, and will also be insulted for the ability to become a monster. She had talked to Sans about having another and he was worried but excited about it.

Phoenix straightened his papers, the judge adjusted his gown, Spencer chewed on a spider donut, it was a normal day for the court house. One anomaly, Mr. Trump was missing. Now, this wouldn't normally be a problem, in fact usually this would be cause for celebration, if he weren't on trial for treason, corruption, and attempted murder. Spencer noted this to Katie mentally, and she shared his sentiments. He sensed her apprehension, but she did her best to hide it. He assured her it would be fine. Spencer had just finished his donut, when the court doors banged open. Trump stormed in, a new lawyer behind him.

Trump's old lawyer had been a young blond Russian lady with a sharp wit and good fashion. But this new lawyer was a tall, dark suited man with glasses that flashed in the light. He looked like Claude from Black Butler. Spencer didn't know why, but this new figure uneased him. He tried to prove his mind, but it was blocked by strong walls.

Katie was nervous. She too couldn't get into the mind of this man as well. She let her cousin know and she shivered. Sans was right next to her but she wasn't calming down at all. Her hair was fluffed up, she was afraid of the new lawyer.

Spencer shot a thought at Katie, asking if she could read his mind, and she replied that she could not. Spencer was shocked, this man was absurdly powerful, at least mentally, to have resisted both the vessel of spirits, and the Goddess of Novadeath without even blinking. As the lawyer passed the vessel of spirits, he smirked at him, very subtly.

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