CHP: 25

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      LISA'S POV:


Why is she coming to vist us?


I turned towards jungkook. He was pale and looked terrified. I don't know why he was so scared? He looked devastated. I was not able to analyze his behavior.

He lived with his parents before our marriage then why is he scared? Even if he is afraid from her mother then why he lived with them? Why?

I walked in his direction. When I was close enough to him, I raised my toes so that I can reach his level.

"What happened kook? Why do you look so sad?" I whispered into his ears.

"No-thing."-  He stammered.

I lowered myself down.

"Lisa."  He called my name when I was about to step away from him.

"Stay with me when mom comes. I will protect you."  His words sounded like a sad song. I could see that he was afraid to meet his mom but more than that, he wanted to save me. Save me from what he gone through. It hurted me right in my heart when he said that he would protect me.

So he was not sad because he was afraid of his mother. He was scared that maybe she would hurt me. Hurt me like she hurted him. 

Everything fitted right in the puzzle now. The reason why he didn't liked his mother. The reason why he suffered from a temper disorder and insomnia. The reason why he is so emotional to the things he love. Everything was clear like crystal now.

"Jungkook."  I drawed his attention as he went blank again.

"Hmm, lali?"  He called me with a nickname I gave myself when I was 10.

"Come to me when you need me. Just come to me whenever you feel like talking to me. You know that nothing can happen to you whenever we are together. No one can break us." I could not say more as jungkook embraced me and dug his head into my chest.



She tossed the phone away when heard what she was told on the other side of the phone.

"What do you mean? Why is everything going in wrong direction?"  She asked the guy working with her as a spy in jungkook's company.

The things she planned and the things which were afoot were different. She decided to let her son marry any unknown girl so that they never find love in between them. They would then keep on bickering and fighting over small things and will grew apart. The girl will also not tolerate him.

But the scene was reported differently. Jungkook has never been the same from as long as he got married. He changed so much.

Now, she need to work harder. Harder to achieve the goal. She cannot let her son love and live like a normal person. She didn't get that perfect life then why should her son get it? She spent her whole life in crisis and trying to build the company then why should her son get what he wants so easily?

She picked up the phone which she threw away from her minutes ago so that she can inform woo bin about her vist. She will not let this matter slide so easily. 

"No one can take my son away from me. No one. No one can change him. He is composed of my blood and flesh, he can not go away from me."  She shrieks like a crazy women as she sits in the car.

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