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"What do you want to know about my wife taehyung?"

My head became heavy. What do he mean by wife? Is he married to-

"What are you saying jungkook? What are you blabbering? Are you out of your mind?"  I asked him but didn't knew if I was in my senses or not.

"She is my wife taehyung and why in the world you are trying to know about her?" He asked. 

I was not able to process anything. Is he gone mad? How come lisa marry him? Did lisa really married one of my closest freind? But how?

"Jk are you sure you are married to lisa?" I asked him wanting that he would say no. Wanting that he would tell me that it was a joke but-

"Goddammit. She is married to me tae. How can be mistaken about that? Are you in your mind?"  His words echoed in my head.

 That means, he really is married to Lisa. What about my revenge then?

"Taehyung, can you tell me that how you know Lisa and what do you want to fix with her?"  He screamed at the top of his lungs, throwing my phone away.

"She- she was my first love. We both loved each other and-"  I was not able to complete my sentence when he cutted me off.

"Rubbish. Why would she love a flirt like you? We both know that how big flirt you are."   Did he just insulted me?

"Huh. She loved me before you even came in her life. She was mine but she cheated on me. She will do the same to you jk. Leave her. She doesn't deserves you."  I held his hand and tried to make him understand.

"Shut up. Shut up. There was nothing going on between you guys. Do you understand? Nothing. Let me go, I want to leave."  He snatched his hand away from me and stood up.

"Why don't you understand? We both were in a relationship before. I wanted to revenge her that is why I called you. She cheated on me jungkook. She is not genuine, just a gold digger from a small background. Leave her for your own good. We both dated before and this is a fact."  I cried out to make him get the situation. 

"Foolish of you to think that I would ever leave her. If she cheats me or did anything wrong in the past, this is our problem. Stay away. I'll take of it on my own."  He shrugged me off and ran to his car.

This is my *ucking  luck. I cannot do anything. 

He is my freind. I cannot destroy his life. If he is happy with her so I should  let him be happy. I am freakin unlucky and that is my problem. He told me to stay away from his problem and I will do so but he should not expect to see me again. If I cannot do bad to him, I can also not be this good and generous. Farewell my freind. I hope I never ever see you again in my life. I don't even want to see you ever again. You took my everything from me.


         JUNGKOOK'S POV :

I don't know that from how long I am crying. I am driving aimlessly, here and there. If what taehyung told me is true then-

Lisa also told me that she dated someone before. Was it tae? My freind? What is happening in my life?

I need to go home. I need to talk to her. 

      LISA'S POV:

I was waiting for jungkook. It is already eight pm but he still didn't got home. It is heavily raining outside. I called him several times but he didn't picked up.

A soul walked into the lounge wet with rain water.

"Jungkook? Aishhhh. You are wet. You'll get cold. Why did you came home so late in this weather?"  I brought the towel and tried to dry his hair and body. 

He held my hand roughly and  made me clash with his wet body.

"I want to ask you something.  Let's go upstairs." He dragged me upstairs with him.

What happened to him? What made him so angry? Exactly what? 

He closed the door with a thud as we entered our room.

"What happen-"  I was cutt off.

"Do you know taehyung?"  He asked me holding my wrist tight. 

Everything blacked out infront of me. How does he know about Tae?

"Wh-What are y-you say-ing?"  I asked him stammering.

"You know him, don't you?" His question sounded more like a statment.

"Yes. I do know him. He was from the same school."  I looked into his eyes whish were contain anger and agony.

"Did you guys ever dated?"  He stepped a little closer to me, his chin touching my nose.

"Wha-t?"  I became surprised at his question. How come he know this?

"It means that he was speaking the truth."  He said in a low voice tearing me apart from him. He gave me a little push and maintained the distance between us.

"What are you saying jungkook?"  I asked him with my heart pounding. 

He pushed me away from him. He hates me. Hate.

"You know what lisa? I trusted you with all I had. You dated my freind before marrying me but that's not the problem. You cheated him. You left him for more money? How can I fell for you lisa? How can I trust you? You left a man because he didn't have the rich background you wanted?"  He screamed at the top of his lungs.

He cried, sobbed but I couldn't understand why this was happening. What is he even saying? I never left anyone for money? What has gone into him?

"Jun-Jungkook. You are mistaken honey." Tears fell from my eyes.

"I never left someone for anything. Who told you this all? I never did this. Everything you said is not true kooky." I went to him with my hand shaking.

He was  still sitting on the floor, sobbing.

What happened? We were so happy. Who told him these lies?

"Jungkook listen to me."  I drawed his attention and cupped his face.

"It is true that I dated tae but he is the one who cheated on me. Trust me. He was a flirt and a playboy. He never loved me sincerely and nor did I loved him like I love you."  I kissed his cheeks softly.

"This is a lie lisa. Don't lie to me lisa."  The tears from his eyes fell on my palm which were cupping his face.

"Trust me like I trust you kook. Stop crying. I did nothing wrong."  I shoved off his tears with shaking fingers.

"I want to but I can't."  I heard him saying in a weak voice.

"I love you jungkook. Only you. At this moment, after and forever from now on. I am not joking when I am saying this because I know that my heart won't waver when taehyung will come infront of me. I don't miss him. I don't want him. The person I want, love and care for is you and there will be no other for me."

I hugged him as hard as I could. To tell him the truth that words may not express.

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