Chapter 1- Friends Reunited and A Crazy Morning

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James Potter revealed that he indeed was Bi a few months ago, and ever since then, he hadn't talked to Peter, Sirius nor Remus. James walked down a corridor where he came across Lily, he looked down as he walked past her, "James," came her soft voice, James ignored her, "James, I know you hear me," she spoke again, James sighed as he turned around, "Are you all right?," Lily asked, she had noticed that James didn't show up to breakfast, lunch, or dinner. She was frankly getting worried. "I'm all right Evans," James responded putting on his cheekiest smile, Lily didn't believe him one bit but didn't pester him. "All right then, will you be attending to dinner?," Lily asked, "I dunno," James answered bluntly, "All right, I do hope you'll go," Lily sighed as she turned on her heel and strutted away. James let out a breath of air that he had not known that he held. He turned around once again and saw Sirius, Remus and Peter, they all looked at him. James stood up straight and walked past them, he ignored them when they called out his name. Yes, they had tried to apologise to him but James refused to accept it, because he thought after everything they have been through together, that they would accept him. The pestering memory in his mind had repeatedly came back-

"Guys- I'm bi" James revealed, he smiled widely but quickly frowned, he stared at his friends' expression, none of them were smiling, in fact they were angry. "What?!" Peter roared, "There's no way you're bi! You have to be with a lot of guys to figure that out!," Sirius gaped his mouth open, "James," Remus began but James had already began shouting at them. "I can't believe you! After every stupid shit we've been through, I come out as bi and you're all pissed off?!" James scoffed, "well yeah! Why wouldn't we be?!" Peter roared, "guys-" Remus started but it was too late, James ran out of the room leaving the three teenagers behind. James ran to who knows where but he eventually found himself standing in the middle of the quidditch field, he collapsed onto the ground, tears was escaping his eyes, the rain poured harder than it ever did.

Dinner was quickly over for James due to him not even going. Sirius walked into the dorm room and saw James reading his transfiguration homework, "You need to be in class for that homework," Sirius told, he sat on his own bed, James nodded his head. "You can borrow my notes if you want," Sirius suggested, James shook his head. "So uh, you all rig-" Sirius began, "I'm tired Sirius," James interrupted, he shut his bed drapes and laid mindlessly on his bed. Sirius sighed in frustration. "James, I know you're awake and I'm sorry, you just took me by surprise!," Sirius groaned. "Just leave me alone Sirius," was all that was said from the other pained boy. Both boys were in pain, James wanted to forgive him but he wouldn't, Sirius wanted James to forgive him. They both wanted their best friend back. "Please James," James had barely heard that but he did, Sirius was now on the floor clenching his fist. James slowly opened the drapes, James knelled down in front of Sirius, he met his eyes level. "I'm so sorry," the long haired boy whispered, barely audible."I know," James simply responded. It killed him, he restrained himself from going to hug the crying boy. "Please forgive us, we miss you," Sirius begged, "Sirius-" "Stop calling me that, what happened to Padfoot, Pads, Siri?!," Sirius asked, James stood up, "I miss you guys too, but I just-" "Prongs, please! Please," Sirius pleaded.

Remus and Peter walked in and saw Sirius grasping onto James' leg and James telling him to let go. "Let go Sirius!" James shouted, "No!" Sirius rebelled, "Not unless you'll call me Padfoot!" Sirius snapped, James shook his head, he dragged himself to his bed and left one of his leg on the floor, Sirius pulled James out of the bed with one tug. James growled, "Sirius! Stop!", "No" Sirius hissed. "Pads," Remus started, "NO!" Sirius shouted, finally enough of this James dragged himself to the stairs, "Sirius, I'm going down the stairs" James told, "Do it" Sirius shrugged. James heaved his breath, he took one step down the stairs, and awaited for Sirius to let go of the other, but he still refused.

Remus and Peter watched as disaster befall the moment James took that other step. Both James and Sirius tumbled down the stairs from the 6th floor to the common room. The thud on the stairs caused everyone, including Lily, to stare, and finally both boys who were screaming crashed onto the ground. Murmurs began to arouse. James stood up breathing deeply, Sirius grasped onto James' leg once again, "Sirius! Let go of me!" James roared, "No!" Sirius protested.

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