Chapter 3- A Humiliating Revenge

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"Come on guys, we need to think of a revenge, Frank
told me that we're losing our reputation!" James whined, "Wait, we are!? Oh shit! Come on then, think!" Sirius shouted practically at Remus because he was smart, Remus just flipped his page in his book and carried on reading. Sirius doesn't know why but every time Remus reads, Sirius feels happy. "OH! I've got an idea!" Peter shouted, "Nothing related with food!" Sirius quickly added, Peter groaned and slouched back down, Sirius shook his head and smiled. "Wouldn't it be hilarious if Slytherins got a taste of their own medicine?" "It would be hilarious" James guffawed, "There's a spell for that" Remus spoke, his eyes never left the never ending book, "What?! Where!?" James shrieked he jumped over onto Remus' bed where Remus was sitting, and pestered him to tell James where the spell was. "In a fucking book from Charms class, honestly don't you read" Remus answered, he finally looked up from his book and saw Peter and James gone and only Sirius there. Sirius acted all awkward and as did Remus, he closed his book and put it in his bag, "we should probably catch up" Remus said, "why?" Sirius asked obliviously, "because they forgot the cloak and the map" Remus answered and pointed at the two enchanted objects on James' bed. "Oh boy, this ought to be good" Sirius snickered, Remus grabbed the daily prophet and hit Sirius on the head with it "Oi!" Sirius yelled, "Are you fucking serious right now?" Remus gaped, "I can't fuck myself, maybe you can fuck me but I can't myself!" Sirius mindlessly spoke, he clamped his hands over his mouth the moment he stopped talking. Remus blushed furiously, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply, "let's just go" Remus said, Sirius nodded quickly.

They hid under the cloak and followed the Marauders Map, they saw Peter and James but Professor McGonagall was on her way to their location, they caught up with James and Peter, Sirius put Peter under the cloak and went out to inform James, but the clacking of Professor McGonagall's shoes became louder, both boys, in panicked state, froze. Professor McGonagall stopped in her track when she saw a stag and a dog sleeping on the ground, Remus face palmed and Peter was biting his fingers to stop himself from yelling. "I don't know how.... but Potter and Black has something to do with this for sure. Ugh, Filch!" Professor McGonagall spoke, she walked off to find Filch. James and Sirius transformed back and James was offended, so was Sirius. "Look, there no time for you being dramatic now, Professor McGonagall is coming and with Filch!" Remus half-whispered, "ah if you're so worried then go" Sirius shrugged, "Fine, let's go Peter" Remus sighed, Peter nodded his head and they walked away under the cloak.

"Let's keep going" James whispered, but all of the sudden the familiar clacking of one's shoes got louder and it wasn't alone, there was squeaking of another, and a loud meowing. "Filch, please handle this" Professor McGonagall told, "I have to go and handle a student in the hospital wing" she told, she left Filch alone and walked away, Filch turned the corner and met the backs of James and Sirius, both hoped that he didn't notice them. "Run!" James yelled in a deep voice, Sirius grinned at that but still ran. Filch chased after them, Sirius turned one corner and James turned the other, Filch seemed to be aiming for James as he ignored Sirius. Meanwhile, back in the dorm, Remus and Peter hoped that James would get away, the map showed Filch running after James while Sirius was coming back. Sirius burst into the room, "Where is he now?" He asked, Remus pointed at the map, Sirius, breathless, ran over to look at the map, Sirius' hands accidentally brushed Remus' hands and both boys blushed, but Sirius shook out of it, he was worried about James, so was Remus. James turned a corner and Filch was beginning to lose his pace, James quickly ran into the dungeon and Filch kept running forward, missing James by an inch. The boys in the dorm whooped, James explored the dungeon looking for a way to not cross paths with Filch.

"What are you doing here?" A voice that was so neutral yet so scary at the same time spoke, James turned around and came face to face with Regulus. "Uh- I umm, I was-" James stuttered, still breathless after running away from Filch, he didn't want to be busted now. "Trying to prank us back?" Liam spoke up from behind James. "No! We haven't even gotten our idea yet, well we did but we're working on it" James told, "Hah" Serenna laughed, finally Filch came down, "I knew it" Filch seethed, "Shit" James cursed, he felt a hand grab his wrist and yanked it, James looked behind him, it was Sirius, Remus and Peter, James ran with the Marauders and Filch was close behind, Sirius and Remus jumped into a small locker, while Peter and James hid in the closet. The small space of the locker caused Sirius and Remus to be really close, Sirius felt the hot breath of Remus trickling the top of his lips. "Rem-" Sirius stammered, Remus already knew what Sirius was thinking. But he couldn't do anything about it so he shushed Sirius. The growling of Peter's stomach didn't help them much, "Peter!" James whispered, "I'm sorry!" Peter whispered back, James reached into his robe and found a package of chocolate, he tossed them to Peter, who, without a question, ate it immediately. Sirius was still embarrassed about before, his idiotic behaviour finally got the best of him. The footsteps of Filch became quiet, Remus popped his head out of the small locker, he looked around and saw no sign of Filch, "let's go" he whispered but loud enough for the other boys to hear him.

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