Chapter 5; A Letter Fixs Everything

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James wrote a letter to his parents asking them a favour, he hoped they would do it. Everyone was in the great hall, Regulus looked paler than usual, he had red baggy eyes, he refused to eat. James sat eagerly waiting for his letter to come. Finally an owl came, he was early than usual, it was the Potter's household owl, James watched as the owl landed gracefully on an empty spot in front of James. "James got a howler!" A Gryffindor kid yelled, James put on his best scared face, but Sirius, and Remus could see through that scared face, he was excited. He shook the letter in his hands, he slowly opened it, the booming voice of Euphoria started.

"James Fleamont Potter! How dare you! How dare you do such thing?! I know I know, 'mother! Why are you sending me a howler that's certain to embarrass me??' Because you embarrassed poor Regulus Black! I thought you liked him! As in liked him, not like him as a friend's little brother, but as in like like him! Jameson! You best apologize to him straight away! You hear me?! And Sirius don't you dare say straight? More like Gay! I am utterly disappointed in you!" The howler ripped itself to shreds, Sirius had his mouth open and Remus shot James a knowing look, "You, you what?!! You like my brother?!" Sirius shouted, 'shit, I didn't think this through' James thought, Sirius became more riled up and that's when it happened, the girls all whined, Remus pulled Sirius by his collar to bring him closer and kissed him. It took a while but Sirius finally kissed back.

"Is everyone in the Marauders gay?!" A girl groaned, "Not Peter" James told, he wasn't even in the slightest bit surprised. The girls all started flirting with Peter, "J-James, help me" Peter whimpered, "it's okay Peter" James told. James completely forgot about Regulus but when he looked over at Regulus, he was staring back, his neck and ears were red, it was easy to see. 'Shit! What did I do?!' James panicked, Sirius and Remus stopped kissing just in time to see James leaving, he left his bag, his book, his everything at his chair and just left. Regulus stood up and ran after James, after hearing the paced footsteps coming along, James ran, he ran out of the school and straight to the Marauders' tree, he slid down the tree trunk and banged his head against the trunk.

"The fuck is wrong with you" he muttered to himself, "nothing is wrong with you" Regulus creeped up to James, James yelled in shock and  stood up straight-away. "Reg-" James didn't even finish when Regulus kissed him, "but Reg" James said between kisses, "no-no more talking, no more stalling" Regulus breathed, James didn't know how but he ended up shoving Regulus into the tree, they made out passionately, Regulus slid his hands up James' shirt. James played with Regulus' hair. "Oi! Get a room! Not our tree!" Sirius shouted, the Marauders were watching, James backed away instantly, "Sirius, I'm sorry i-" "it's okay" Sirius told, "it's fine" Sirius told.

Fast forward to four years later;

Regulus was being dragged across Hogwarts' property, "Baby, I don't think you understand the term 'graduating' it means don't ever come back here" Regulus told, "shhh" the other told, "ugh, James! Why are we back here?!" Regulus whined, but he quickly stopped when he looked around, they were at the quidditch field, they were in the middle of the bleachers, "what are we doing here?" Regulus asked, he smiled to himself, he looked around and turned to face James, only to find him on the ground on one knee. "Regulus, I never thought that I would find someone who's like me, I never thought that I would fall for a black, but I did. You make me happy, but when you leave I feel like I want to die, so please, don't ever leave me. Regulus Black, will you make me the happiest man in the wizarding and muggles world and marry me?" James pulled out a box with a golden ring that wrote 'no more stalling' Regulus breathed deeply, there wasn't anyone around him. "Yes!" Regulus told, James put the ring on Regulus' finger, suddenly the noise of cheering happened, the quidditch field was a hologram, it was actually the quidditch field with everyone there. Students, teachers, his family, the old quidditch team, his friend, and everyone. Frank was the first to hug James. Sirius walked over to James pissed off, "excuse me! I'm a Black and you didn't think that you would fall for me?!" Sirius gaped, "Sirius" Remus sighed. Sirius let out a hearty laugh.

An hour later;

The Marauders were together at the Marauders tree, it was still theirs, no matter what, they weren't letting it go, their gift to the school at the end of their graduation was a plaque that said 'The Marauders Tree' and stuck it on the Marauders' tee. Sirius was resting on Remus' lap. "Oi, Rem" Sirius said, "yeah?" Remus asked, "Marry me?" Sirius asked, he pulled out a box that had a ring in it and showed it to Remus. James stared at Sirius with his 'what the hell are you doing?' Face, Sirius was seriously asking Remus to marry him like that?! "Sure" Remus shrugged. James scoffed and buried his head into Regulus' chest. Regulus laughed loudly. "We're engaged" Sirius said coolly.

Another year later;

Sirius and James both stood at the end of the aisle, they decided to do a double wedding, Peter and Frank was standing behind Sirius and James. Remus and Regulus walked down the aisle with their favourite person, for Remus it was Lily, and for Regulus it was Bellatrix. Lily was formally walking beside Remus, she had wished that it was her who was going to marry James but nevertheless, she was happy for him. Regulus carried Bellatrix on his back and laughed. Bellatrix tossed the petals of the roses on the ground, Walburga and Orion facepalmed, James burst out laughing. Sirius couldn't stop staring at Remus, he was too handsome. Finally everyone arrived at the end of the aisle. "Reg" Bellatrix whispered, "yes?" Regulus whispered back, "I think I threw the rings" Bellatrix told, Regulus widened his eyes. "Dearl-" "Wait! I'm sorry" "Reg, wha-" "I'm going to marry you but Bellatrix thinks she accidentally threw the rings somewhere" Regulus told, everyone looked at the ground looking for the rings. Lily spotted the shimmering rings on the ground nearby, she placed her shoe on it but then instantly felt bad, she bent down and picked them up. "Found it" Lily told, she gave them to Bellatrix who was still grinning innocently at her aunt and uncle who was shaking their heads. "May we start now?" The pastor asked, the pastor was none other than professor McGonagall, they asked her to marry them because she was there through every dumb shit they did. "Yes, professor McGonagall" Regulus told.

"I do" Remus said, both of the marrying couple exchanged rings. "You may now kiss your husband" Professor McGonagall announced, both married couple kissed passionately, "we're married" James whispered, "yeah we are" Regulus whispered back. They walked into the reception party, everyone was congratulating the married couples. Bellatrix and James grew a bit closer but still kind of hated one and another but they tried to get along for Regulus' sake. "I'm going to the washroom" Regulus told and left Bellatrix and James alone. Both tensed up and breathed deeply. "D-do you wanna dance?" James asked awkwardly, "s-sure" Bellatrix gritted. They went on the dance floor and danced, everyone watched them because they knew that they were not to be trusted alone. "Might I be a burden and borrow my husband?" Regulus asked laughing, "he's all yours" "yes!" The dancing adults shouted. Regulus laughed even harder, Sirius and Remus watched while dancing, they laughed a bit. Peter was dancing with a girl named Mary, while Frank danced with his wife, Alice. They had a two year old son 'Neville Longbottom' James was his godfather. Neville was currently digging his face into the chocolate cake on his table. James spotted Neville and laughed he held the dance as he swept Neville out of the cake, "what do you think you're doing?" James asked, "Cake!" Neville squeaked, Frank ran over and laughed, "Sorry James" Frank apologized. "Aw don't worry, we'll just eat Sirius and Remus' cake" James chuckled, Alice walked over and gave James a hug, James and Alice was now good friends. Frank took Neville from James and went to the washroom to clean him up. James went back to dancing with his newly wed husband. Both newlyweds danced all night long, the stars shimmered brightly, the wind howled a bit, the sound of music played through the endless void, and they lived happily ever after.

Well, this is the final chapter, thank you to those who stuck through this story till the end!

Peace Out- Estrella Maybelle

A Backfired Prank (Jegulus/Wolfstar) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now