Chapter 2- A Slytherin Prank

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James woke up due to Sirius shaking him awake, "Let's go! You don't want to miss the look on their faces right!?," Sirius teased, James chuckled, he got off his bed and put on his uniform. They awoke Remus but had difficulty waking Peter up, "Oi Pete! All right, no breakfast for you," James shrugged, as of habit, Peter jumped out of bed and scrambled into his uniform, "What are we waiting for!?," Peter breathlessly shouted, they all laughed and Peter joined in.

They ran into the great hall, houses began to arrive, but each felt scared due to the Marauders being there early. "Where are they?!" shouted a girl, her black hair was messed up, and shoulder long, she wore her green uniform, but there's something oddly familiar about her. "Regulus?!" Sirius snorted, "!" Regulus seethed, James cackled along with Peter, but they immediately laughed louder when they noticed a black haired girl walk in, her greasy hair was torso long, her face remained the same, but she shot daggers at the Marauders. "Oi, Snivelly!" James and Sirius shouted at the same time. Soon, the houses realized what they had done, they all cracked up, Remus whistled at Regulus as he walked away, "Showing off that ass I see!" Remus commented, Sirius flared a bit but laughed at his brother's reaction, James choked on his water, Peter laughed as he ate his toast. Finally the professors all laughed due to a female professor walking in, her hair was neck long, her face shone with a furious look. "Slughorn!" A boy from Ravenclaw shouted, everybody laughed louder. "That's it, I'm tired of them always pranking us!" A boy, originally a girl, groaned, "What are we supposed to do?" A girl asked, "We get even!" Another boy spoke as he sat back down, "How?" The girl asked, "Liam, Estrella, we're taking revenge" the boy confirmed, Liam and Estrella both smiled.

The transformation lasted for four hours, they received two detentions per week for the next three weeks. Frank walked along side with James, they were really good friends, "I can't believe you guys pulled off that prank!" Frank snickered, "Believe it, because we did!" James laughed, "how the bloody hell did you manage to do it?!" Frank wondered, "I had a lot of time on my hand so I read a book and the gender swap spell came up so I kept it in my mind" James told, Frank gasped loudly, "you can read?!" "That's cold Longbottom, just fucking cold" James cried, Frank chuckled, "So, how's things going with you and Alice?" James asked wiggling his eyebrows, "It's not" Frank responded, "What? Why?" James asked in utter disbelief, "She doesn't like that I'm friends with you, and as I phrase, the biggest jerk in the school!" Frank rolled his eyes, "Oh, sorry dude" James apologized, "Nah, she doesn't even know you, she just think she does, and I don't want to be with a girl like that" Frank spoke, "But still, I'm sorry" James repeated, "It's okay" Frank shrugged. Little did he know, Alice and Marlene was walking behind them, "You've been through a lot and I don't want to ditch you for some girl who thinks she knows you better than I do" Frank told, "Ok" James smiled, "Qudditch practice?" Frank asked, "Yeah, but I've got detention" James snickered, "About time" Frank teased, "Oi!" James winced, "No offence, but you need the others to get into detention" Frank mocked, "How am I not supposed to be offended?!" James placed both hands over his chest. Alice smiled, Marlene noticed but allowed her to think whatever it is that she's thinking. "Captain" James saluted, "Junior captain" Frank saluted back, they both laughed and said their byes, and walked in opposite direction.

James walked into transfiguration class where they were having their first detention in a while, "Hello boys" Professor McGonagall greeted, "today you'll be cleaning, without magic-" "what?! But this classroom is so big!" Peter whined, "be grateful, it's good practice for your next detention, where you'll be cleaning Moaning Myrtle's washroom" Professor McGonagall warned, Peter widened his eyes, Remus patted Peter's shoulder, Peter had hated Myrtle ever since they met a while back on a prank mission. She practically tried to drown Peter cause she thought he was cute and that he should be a ghost so he could be with her. "Have fun" Professor McGonagall told, she exited the classroom and left the boys alone.

A Backfired Prank (Jegulus/Wolfstar) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now