Chapter 4- The One With All The Kisses

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The warm sunlight glazed on the grass, the stands weren't filled yet, the only noises coming from the Quidditch field was the Gryffindor quidditch team, they were getting some last minute practice before the official game in an hour. James kept fooling around with the snitch. "Potter!" Frank shouted, startling James never did anyone good, he let go of the snitch and flew after it, luckily he snatched it. "What's going on with you? We have a game against Slytherin in an hour! Get your act together" Frank told, "Sorry Frank" James apologised, James didn't know why he was out of it, but he also knew why- the reoccurring memory kept coming back to him. The feeling of Regulus' soft lips against his, the warmth on his cheek but it was also a bit cold. "Potter, locker room, now!" Frank exasperated, both Frank and James landed back on the grounds the team continued practising but they were worried about James, not once did he zone out during the game but he did now.

"All right Potter, explain" Frank demanded as soon as they entered the locker room, "Nothing, I said I was sorry" James snapped, "Is it about the kiss?" Frank asked, deep down he knew that it was true no matter how much James denied it, but to Frank's surprise, James didn't even bother to deny. "Yes, all right, yes, It's about the kiss, I want him, I want him again" James yelled, his yell was loud enough for the quidditch team to hear. "James" Frank said, James ran his fingers through his messy hair, he snapped his eyes shut and breathed deeply. James sat down on a bench and placed both hands on his temple and allowed his elbows to rest on his legs. Frank sighed and walked over to him, he sat beside James and gripped James' shoulder. "Then ask him out" Frank told, James jerked his head upwards and gaped his mouth at Frank. "Are you kidding me?! Regulus is straight as hell!" James exclaimed, "Um, that's not what Regulus looked like after you left the great hall" Frank told, "What do you mean?" James asked curiously, "After you left Regulus didn't even do anything except become red" Frank scoffed, "oh and also he basically hid his face in his hands" he added. James blushed a bit and Frank laughed. "You're both idiots" Frank guffawed, Frank wrapped his arms around James and gave him a hug, "Ask him out" Frank whispered. "Feel better?" Frank asked, "A little" James chuckled, "Guys, the game's starting!" Linda, a chaser, told.

Frank and James stood in front of their teams, five members of the quidditch team stood behind them. "Let's win the game guys!" Frank howled, the team cheered as they boarded their brooms, the door opened wide and they flew out to the cheering crowd. Up at the announcing stands, stood Professor McGonagall and Remus. "Welcome to the first game of this season where Gryffindor will be playing against Slytherin!" Remus announced, Sirius stood at the stands with Peter waving a sign that had 'GRYFFIN-ROAR' on it. Every time they held the sign out in the air, all of the Gryffindor students roared. Remus couldn't stop laughing as he announced the game, the roaring of the student and Peter getting scared every time, and Sirius laughing at Peter, and Peter smacking Sirius' shoulder repeatedly. "That's another point for Slytherin, that brings the total of Slytherin to 40 and for Gryffindor, 30" Remus said. James flew in the air, carefully scanning around for the golden snitch, he spotted the golden snitch, it was flying towards the Slytherin section, he zoomed down, the Slytherin seeker immediately flew after James. "Both seeker spotted the golden snitch, watch out Slytherins! It's headed your way!" Remus shouted, Regulus quickly realised that both seekers were going in his direction, James was still ahead, Regulus shut his eyes and leaned backwards, he hoped for the best. After feeling no impact, he opened his eyes and met James' brown eyes, the golden snitch was fluttering in James' hand. All eyes were on them, the sound of cheering was muted from the two teenagers. 'Revenge' was whispered into Regulus' ear by Dash, Regulus leaned closer and kissed James, without hesitating, James kissed him back. "Gryffindor wins and looks like James' winning as well!" Remus teased, the crowd both laughed and cheered.

The Marauders all sat in the great hall for lunch, Sirius was still glancing over at Slytherin table where he noticed that Regulus can't seem to stop staring at James, he smirked a bit, he knew what he had to get James to do. "James, I've got an idea" Sirius said, the smirk never left his face, Remus groaned, Peter ignored his bruised head and collapsed his head on the table once again, but without paying attention his face landed on a spoon that launched a bit of his oatmeal onto James' face. Sirius laughed as he gave Peter a fist bump, "I'm sorry- AHH!" Peter shouted as he ducked the pile of oatmeal and it ended up hitting a Ravenclaw student. "Hey!" She shouted, she threw a piece of toast at James but he ducked it and it hit a Hufflepuff student. In a blink of an eye, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff were in a food fight.

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