Harry Potter

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Ask him to tell Cedric you said hello.

Follow him around and say "Voldemort is your uncle!" in a loud voice right next to his ear

.Ask him if the "anvil-sized hints" ever hit him on the head, which is really what caused the scar.

"So... first you were the Boy Who Lived.. then you were a nutcase... now you're The Chosen One. Why don't they just add it together so that you're the "Chosen Nutcase Who Lived?"

Offer him stolen silver from Sirius Black's house.Make sure you tell him you got it from Mundungus Fletcher.

Tell him that he should stop pretending to be Harry Potter and to wipe the fake scar off his head.

Follow him around wearing shirts that say, "I'M WITH THE CHOSEN ONE!"Buy him one that says, "THEY'RE WITH THE CHOSEN ONE!" and get really offended when he doesn't wear it. Be sure to tell him you made it yourself.

Ask if he knows whether Voldemort had any scars and if so, where are they?

Everytime you see him, say "Do you like Luna Lovegood?" in a sing-song voice.

Ask him if thestrals have pretty eyes.

Re-enact his triumph over the dragon in the first task. Then ask if you can do it again on his Firebolt.

If he asks you a question, sing the answer in at least three different styles of music and then ask if he likes to sing

.Buy him concealer and tell him to put it over his scar so Voldemort won't recognize him.

Tell him Moaning Myrtle has fallen in love with him and make sure he goes to ask her about it.

Whenever it rains, use his back as a piano and start singing, "Remember When it Rained" in a loud and terrible way

If he does or says something unusual, say, "Don't worry. We'll call St. Mungo's and get you the help that you so desperately need."

Ask if Muggles can see his scar.

Run up to him giggling and say, "Romilda Vane says you have a tattoo on your chest. Can I see it?"

Tell him that if he dies defeating the Dark Lord, you want his broomstick.

yell " its you-know-who" point and run

Give him combs

 . Draw scars on your forehead .

 Stalk him.

 Go up to him and say \"Hiya Harry 

 Worship him 

 Ask him to watch over your brother who happens to be a giant

 Get Rita Skeeter to write about is tragic and heroic tales 

 Ask him to explain Muggle objects .

 Get him a Cupid that never shuts up 

. Yell \"It\'s You-Know-Who\" and run 

 Ask him to save the world. 

 Ask Dobby to save his life . 

sing "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, His hair is as dark as a blackboard, I wish he was mine, he's really divine The hero who conqured the Dark Lord" make sure this is said where you can be heard 

 Ask him if he's seen Lockhart lately 

. When he's hurt pretend to go get Lockhart to cure him

   Every time you get sick of talking to him put your hand on your head and yell "OUCHIE!!!! Sorry, I have to go ... my scar hurts! 

 Ask for his autograph. 

 Tell him you think Trelawney is right about his early death ... well, at least you hope so...

  Tell him how much you love Voldie.  

Ask him to tell you tales of his life with the Dursleys. 

Ask him why he can\'t just use some hair gel on the messy head of his. 

 Write a very suggestive love poem to him and read it in front of class, at the end tell him it\'s really from Collin Creevey. )

Tell him you think he\'s a bigger crybaby then Cho. say, \

'hem hem\' and run... .

call him potty  

.ask him how cho is 

.pelt him with waterballons and dungbombs 

.follow him around and take photos of his arkward situations 

.write an article about how much of a hero he is and send it in to the quibbler 

.spread a rumor around that he is going out with pansy parkinson 

.spread a rumor that he is snapes son(not dissing james or anything) 

tell him you fancy him, even if your a boy

 sing potty wee potter,you *!#*!# rotter 


 -Tilt your head sideways and say to him: "You know, from this angle, your scar seems like a zig-zag!!" -

After he's done eating, ask for his napkin as a keepsake s

 -tell him Cedric is back for Cho 

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