Ron Weasley

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Turn his teddy bear into a spider... .

..Call him Won-Won all the time

.Offer to correct his Divination essay and "accidentally" spill ink all over it.

Call him a ginger, in an insulting manner.

Call him "Roonil Wazlib".

Pretend not to know his name.

 Call him Ickle Ronnykins . 

Tease him about his crush on Hermione Granger .

 Tease him about Pig . 

Tell him he sucks at Qudditch . 

Hang his too-small pjs in the Great Hall 

. Hang his potty-training pictures in the Great Hall .

 Put spiders everywhere near him . 

Pur FAKE speders everywhere near him  

Tell him Hermione is going out with Draco . 

Tell him GINNY is going out with Draco . 

Tell him you have a crush on him . 

Tell him Draco has a crush on him . 

Tell him he\'s secretly married to Moaning Myrtle . 

Get embarrassing footage of him and show it to him constantly .

 Sing Weasly is our king (Slytherin version)  

Sing Britney Spears songs 24/7 (not recommended ifyou hate Britney) .

 Tell him Viktor Krum is back in town  

Yell \"Look there\'s Fleur\" and run away . 

Tell him that he passed best in class then take it back 

. Stare at him all day . 

Tell him Hermione and "Vicky" are dating. 

Yell "ARAGOG!!!!!!!!!" and runkeep 

mentioning how much better known and more famous Harry Potter is  

-write a 2 page love letter addressed to him forged with Hermione's signature -

Tell him "Hermione's visiting Viktor over vacation, sorry she couldn't make it to you party" 

-Make sure he knows that he sucks at Quidditch and that hermione is only trying to cheer him up because she likes him 

-Tell him Ginny is going out with Voldemort 

-Tell him "Hermione only pretends to like you Ron, the person she really likes is Viktor." -

Did I mention that Hermione loves Vicktor? -

Say "Ronald lost his rat" in a mocking tone. Repeat an hour later, 

in front of Harry say -You're going on a date with Viktor and he can just forget anout going to Hogsmeade with you and Harry  

-yell "SPIDERS" and watch him screan and run, then tell him it was a false alarm, then do it again. 

-tell him he's actually Malfoy's twin brother

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