Where is she? (Chapter 11)

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Alex's POV:

"Ok everyone open your books up" Snape says

As I start to open my book I feel a sharp pain in my ankle. I turn around to see Malfoy smiling. That was new. It wasn't the type of smile that hurt me a few days ago. It was different but I don't know why.

"Stop kicking my feet" i gritted through my teeth.

He completely ignored my comment and started to question me.

"Why weren't you at breakfast Bailey?"

"None of your business Draco." I say as I turn back around.

"I'll find out sooner or later" he says as he whispers in my ear.

Time skip to dinner (Luna's POV)

As dinner starts I begin to wonder where Alex is. This is the third meal she hasn't been at today. That's when I realized...Wait no...she can't be. I didn't want to do this but I knew I had to. I make my way to the Slytherin table trying to find Pansy. I tap her shoulder. She turns around giving me a nasty look.

"What do you want Lovegood."

"I need to talk to you." I say

She doesn't move.

"In private."

"It's about Alex" I sigh

"Outside NOW" she says

Pansy POV:

As soon as I heard Alex's name I knew I needed to hear what she had to say.

"What happened" I ask

"Somethings wrong with Alex" Luna says

"No shit. Your lucky this is about Alex or I wouldn't even think twice before ending this conversation."


" For gods sake I think Alex might have an eating disorder." Luna say slightly shouting

" Wait wha-"

"No, it couldn't be" I say as I shake my head.

"Why?" I whisper

That's when Luna starts talking about what happened second year.

15 minutes later...

"And then I caught her skipping more and more meals until she wouldn't even show up at all. That's also how we became friends. I saved her." she says

"She did it for a few days. I don't want her to start again." she says

"I can't let it happen." she whispers

"We won't" I reply

"Do you know where she is" says Luna


"I'm going to ask Harry. Maybe he knows." says Luna

"I'm going to go check her dorm" I respond

Meet me there in 15 min.

Luna nods her head then goes back into the dining hall.

Although I didn't want to believe Luna, she knew more about Alex than I did and she wouldn't lie about this. No sane person would lie about something so serious.

Draco's POV:

Where the hell did they all go I wonder to myself.
I see Luna walking fast down the rows of tables. She whispers something to Potter and I see a tear roll down her check. She looks panicked. Did something happen to Alex? Why the fuck does my mind always go back to Alex.

I see Luna start to go, speeding up her walking pace. As she gets closer to me I grab her wrist and drag her outside.

"What the fuck happened Luna?" 

"Answer me for gods sake."

"Nothing" she stutters

"Then where is Pansy." I ask

"I don't know" she stutters.

"I think you doooo" I respond

"Now your going to tell me what's happening right now" I say as I step forward until her back is pressed against the wall and my wand is pressed into the middle of her neck."

"It's nothing Draco" she says while choking

"Something with Alex." she says after a few seconds.

"Let.. me. Go Draco" she says as her voice gets quieter.

"Good Girl" I say.

I left before my anger took over.

Lunas POV:

Once Draco left I ran as fast as I could to the Slytherin door where Pansy was waiting for me.

"Was she there" I ask out of breath

"No"  she reply's

" I'll tell you if she shows up."

"Thank you" I say

"Wait Luna" she says

"Yea?" I reply

"This was a one time thing. I'm only doing this for Alex so don't get used to it."

I don't respond. I just leave the room. No matter how nice I am to her she will never see me any differently and I should've known that from the beginning.

Alex's POV:

There I was. The only place that brought me comfort. The astronomy tower. Nobody, not even Luna knew about this spot. I thought I was all alone until I heard footsteps...

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